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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Multiplayer: No Matter what I do its wrong!

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Joined: 10th Aug 2005
Posted: 19th Sep 2005 17:41
Hi all.

Dont know whats been going on here, but for some reason i can't compile a MP game full stop now? :S

So this morning I thought bollocks to it, ill try a quickie from scratch. Took me 2 minutes to do >>

1)Launched FPSCreator
2) Clicked FILE>New Arena
3) Checked preferences for Multiplayer
4) slapped in a quick prefab room
5) Put in 2 entities (Thug [Pistol])
6) Went to build game, created a new project file
7) Left everything as default except used the wizards to put custom title screen in and loading screen
8) Left everything as default still, set Arena settings to Most frags in 1200 seconds = 20 minutes
9) Build Executable
10) oh What do you know... still comes up as Single Player yet when you click new game, it enters the map with 'Waiting to join...' in showing and no other info.

I knew there was a bug somewhere with this, and a few people posted this so I searched the forums first, but couldn't find the posts (even though they were pretty recent) as you can see from my checklist above everything is default, and it still compiles as a SP game :/

Any Help/Advice would be great...

Thanks in advance
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Posted: 19th Sep 2005 21:27 Edited at: 19th Sep 2005 21:30
I have had this problem on numerous occasions - there are some serious erratic behaviours/bugs relating to MP particularly. These seem to be related to the fact that the buid game dialogue box constantly changes a users settings regarding particularly Game Project Filename.

Cetainly it does what you have described reasonably frequently on game compile. The problem is ascentuated by the fact that once you close the build dialogue box you can no longer see any settings so that then when saving from the file menu - your settings may have already changed. You can prove this by opening the dialogue box again often and frequently settings will have changed from any you had chosen for a level.

I have overcome the particular problem you describe by firstly not changing any default settings - particularly setup .ini which it dont like at all and in the main by making a single level believe it or not - now up to version 16 of the level so I have 16 versions of it - each one further developed than the previous and level still not complete. This so if the level corrupts then I can go back to a previous version anbd continue again. Doing so will sometimes then work correctly as the problem is one of erratic and inconsistent behaviour.

If you keep trying you should get to overide the problem (as its erratic) - just make sure you use default settings - except check that for instance the Game Project Filemname has not been changed to mygame.fpg or anything silly like that or obviously you may get your SP game .exe prob.

At a push I have had to reinstall FPSC to overcome this or other MP probs which crop up - though sooner or later they always return.

Seriuosly unstable is the only way to describe it.

DO NOT use the build dialogue box to add your own backgrounds or sound or you are asking for probs - try it without. Then if necessary try editing the resultant scripts in the compiled game folder and add your backrounds and alike that way. That may work. Altering setup ini and alike in build dialogue box inside FPSC is a No No for MP though it may not be a prob for SP.

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