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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Gun & ammo Physics Bug...

Mr Love
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Joined: 9th Jun 2005
Playing: MAFIA 2
Posted: 19th Sep 2005 21:57
I have a problem with a bug that makes the ammo and the gun fly, example: I put a gun or some ammo on a barrel and when I shoot the barrel the ammo dont fall to the ground. Does anyone know a way to fix it? (The physics is on!)

Mr Love

Dont trust anyone...
Mr Love
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Playing: MAFIA 2
Posted: 20th Sep 2005 21:28
Is it really nowone, that had this this problem???

Dont trust anyone...
Cellbloc Studios
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Posted: 20th Sep 2005 21:48
Sorry, my english isn't that great and I am still trying to figure out what "nowone" is. my boomstick!
Mr Love
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Posted: 20th Sep 2005 23:43

Dont trust anyone...
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Posted: 21st Sep 2005 01:27
Make sure the "Alwase Active" field is set to "yes" or "1".

I may not be good in school, may not hae had a girl for a while, ma not had a social life in years, BUT I"M STILL THE ONLY ONE IN SCHOOL WHO KNOWS HOW TO MAKE GAMES!!!

Mr Love
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Joined: 9th Jun 2005
Playing: MAFIA 2
Posted: 21st Sep 2005 18:45
Noop friend! It didnt work either... But I wont send My fpm file to TGC. They better get a real Bug-site instead...

Dont trust anyone...

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