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Program Announcements / Tactical Starship Combat Simulator - 3.14 MB zip

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Posted: 20th Sep 2005 10:56 Edited at: 23rd Sep 2005 20:23
Astrum Erus: Starlord Omega
Tactical Combat Simulator
is a demo of the ship-to-ship combat system planned for the
4x turn-based sci-fi strategy game, Starlord Omega.

choose the size and composition of fleets, how many tech advances
each side gets, and what ships and weapons you want to use,
then direct your fleet into combat.
give speed, heading, targetting and firing orders.
complete with help files.

link to the playable tactical combat demo! MB zip)

please download and let me know what you think.

completed games: Astrum Erus, Centipoid, Hero Of Garaven, WarpFlight, Higher Ground , Circular Breakout


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Louiz ofRohr
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Posted: 20th Sep 2005 21:45 Edited at: 20th Sep 2005 21:59
Looks really really good..

hmm.. interesting.. you have a great start there..
I like that
But I found it a little bit difficult to understand
but it is anyway a nice project..

keep it up

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Posted: 20th Sep 2005 22:04 Edited at: 20th Sep 2005 22:16
i can explain to you anything you like,
and would appreciate knowing what you can't understand,
so i can make it better.

for instance, if it's the movement system your confused by,

or firing:

or Camera Control:

thanks for trying it out,
completed games: Astrum Erus, Centipoid, Hero Of Garaven, WarpFlight, Higher Ground , Circular Breakout
Nicholas Thompson
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2005 21:26
I like it a lot! Obviously, there are some visual improvements to be made, but this could turn out to be an EXCELENT game. I've ALWAYS liked turn based games!

My currently suggestions would be:
* When you press F4, the system currently just "jumps" to the next time frame. How about a smooth transition, maybe achieved using CURVEVALUE() or something?
* Instead of a TTF value, how about a Charging Bar? (with a TTF nearby?)

Also - an idea, how about obsticles? Like planets (statically positioned, or VERY slow moving) and asteroids (faster moving). You could use these as a tactical advantage, like to hide behind when your recharging weapons. A simple intersect between ships should sort out if you can be hit or not.

Umm... what else... I dont know much about the game as I'm meant to be leaving in 2 minutes for a meal, but how about a weapon that disabled the enemies weapons temporarily (like +5000 TTF?).. An EMP weapon? My bad if its already there, but I think it might be cool!

ALSO!! AH HA!! How about making the ships have a customisable arsenal.. Like each ship has hardpoints where you can mount weapons. Winning a round gets you money so you can upgrade you vessel?

These are just me thinking out loud...

I'd just like to reinforce that I think this could be an EXCELENT game and you're off to a GREAT start with it!!! This thread is being marked for the mailback! hehe

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Posted: 23rd Sep 2005 21:43 Edited at: 28th Sep 2005 06:51
oh, nicholas, thank you so much!
and since you did the mail back, i'll respond right now.

smooth transition is likely, thanks for making me take it seriously.

charging bar might be a good idea...some weapons have fire rate of 25
combat rounds, some of 3 so i wonder how to fit it right...

yes, i plan on some obstacles "the terrain of space" is what i call it in my head...
i tried to put that stuff in here but i couldn't get a decent model quickly enough.
stuff that slows you down, damages you, changes your heading (black hole/other gravity well), hides you, etc.
that idea of not being able to shoot through certain obstacles is quite good...haven't actually though of that.

EMP: i do have emp weapons but that just damage your ship's 'systems' stat. adding TTF is a BRILLIANT IDEA. thanks.

in the actual game, the ships are entirely customizable. there are
more contributing factors (technologies) than you possibly use.
i just threw together some likely combinations.

thanks again nicholas,
completed games: Astrum Erus, Centipoid, Hero Of Garaven, WarpFlight, Higher Ground , Circular Breakout
Nicholas Thompson
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Posted: 27th Sep 2005 08:25
eeeeexcelent, the mailback feature doesn't work... good job I checked!! Will post more back later, breakfast is ready

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Posted: 1st Oct 2005 00:31
dude you need to use diffrent keys for the "all acclerate" ect movement keys use like wasd or something i had to change out keyboards because i have a "internet" keyboard which dosnt do the f1-f12 keys its gay i know but what ya gonna do right so i couldnt really play it but from what iwas able to do it looked pretty cool.

BTW you should mkae it so you can change the camera angle =)

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Posted: 1st Oct 2005 03:42 Edited at: 1st Oct 2005 03:44
hey underlord, (and anyone else)
except for the "help" options,
YOU CAN ACTUALLY <MOUSECLICK> ON THE WORDS all accelerate, end turn, etc. please try it.

i know it doesn't say that anywhere, but you can do it.

glad you tried,
completed games: Astrum Erus, Centipoid, Hero Of Garaven, WarpFlight, Higher Ground , Circular Breakout
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Posted: 5th Oct 2005 08:16
here's a little sneak peek at some of the alien races
who will be piloting those ships!

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Posted: 18th Oct 2005 02:28
Looking good!

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