rem Clear screen
rem Decide how many overlays
t = (rnd(3)+1)
rem Now loop through the number of overlays
for xt = 1 to t
rem get random centre point
cx = rnd(640)
cy = rnd(480)
randomize (timer()*xt)+int(i#)
rem Random Colour
ink rgb(rnd(255),rnd(255*2),rnd(255*3)),0
rem Create sphere of lines
for i# = 1.0 to 360.0 step 0.5
x = cx+sin(i#)*3200
y = cy++cos(i#)*2400
line cx,cy,x,y
next i
next xt
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
center text 320,440,"Space ot try again"
rem Update screen
wait key
goto s
19 lines excluding empty space and comments.
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