These appear to be the files its added. I repeeat, its not asked me to use my registration details and dbpro doesn't seem to have noticed this new stuff at all
Dbpro>Compiler>Plugins-liscenced>PhysicsMain_PC_Master.dll (296kb application extention)
Dbpro>Compiler>Plugins-liscenced>PhysicsMainLang_PC.loc (5kb loc)
Dbpro>Compiler>TGCOnlineFiles>physicspcd.ico (22kb icon)
Dbpro>Compiler>TGCOnlineFiles>physicspcf.ico (22kb icon)
Dbpro>Compiler>TGCOnlineFiles>physicspct.ico (22kb icon)
Dbpro>Compiler>TGCOnline.ini (1kb Configuration Setting)
DBPro>Editor>Keywords>Physics.ini (6kb Configuration Settings)
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