damn petrat... i sure hope your about her age, else i'm pretty sure even in france there's laws against that kinda thing
anyone else notice Daz said his first kiss was from Nusery(kindergarden
) to Year2... thats what a 2-3year kiss!?
damn surely you'd need to stop for air or something right?
Daz, you think its easi enough to get them in the UK - the girls in the states are easier that sliding down a slide covered in vasaline!
(no offense ment to our stateside coding honei's here (^_^))
you have a foreign accent, damn your shooting fish in a barrel with a 12gauge (^_^)
but looks wise... hmm hard to tell, i've seen some damn'd corkers of brit babes - mostly welsh ones are the best eye candy, but then again LA babes ... all tanned, sticking away from the ugly end of the beach ... well i dunno how you could rate that.
you goto the workout area, and don't look like a Mr. Muscle, or an Arnie impersinator - you certainly get some cool attention.
my first kiss was when i was 6
... or year 4, or whatever the hell they call it now.
the next day i got the living crap beaten outta me by her older brother who didn't like me - but i think it was worth it
Tsu'va Oni Ni Jyuuko Fiori Sei Tau!
One block follows the suit ... the whole suit of blocks is the path ... what have you found?