OK! Here goes. I downloaded the trial version of DARKBasic two days ago. I have never programmed DB before, but I think I managed to make a pretty good first program anyway.
dim PixX#(200):dim PixY#(200):dim PixC(200)
set display mode 1600,1200,16
make object cube 1,10:color backdrop rgb(0,0,0)
randomize timer():hide mouse:sync on:sync rate 0:xr=14
for n=1 to 50:PixX#(n)=rnd(256):PixY#(n)=rnd(256):PixC(n)=rnd(255):next n
hide object 1:ink rgb(255,255,255),1:box 1,1,256,256:ink 0,1:box 2,2,254,254
for n=1 to 50:ink rgb(PixC(n),PixC(n),PixC(n)),1:dot int(PixX#(n)), int(PixY#(n)):next n
get image 1,1,1,256,256
if upkey()=1 then xr=wrapvalue(xr+1)
if downkey()=1 then xr=wrapvalue(xr-1)
if leftkey()=1 then yr=wrapvalue(yr+1)
if rightkey()=1 then yr=wrapvalue(yr-1)
ink 0,1
for n=1 to 50:dot int(PixX#(n)), int(PixY#(n)):PixX#(n)=PixX#(n)+1+(PixC(n)/50)
if PixX#(n)>256 then PixX#(n)=1:PixY#(n)=rnd(256)
next n
box 1,1,256,256:texture object 1,1:show object 1:xrotate object 1,xr:yrotate object 1,yr:sync
Its perhaps not the most optimized code, but as I said, I am a newbie, so please bear with me.
Please use your cursorkeys while running the program.