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French gui
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Location: France
Posted: 24th Sep 2005 21:07
I have hidden a key under a pile of exploding crates. When the player shoot at the crates, they are exploding but the key disapears. If you walk where the key was, you get it!!! I've try to desactivate physics on the key but it still disapears.An idea?

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Storm 6000
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Posted: 26th Sep 2005 01:42
im not 100% sure but if you look the destory script for the key is disappear and i dnt know wat effect it will have because it is not ment to be possible to destroy the key but yu could try adjusting the script or changing it or adjusting the keys damage before its destroyed

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Posted: 26th Sep 2005 07:32
I think you have to switch the key from being a dynamic object to a static object.

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Posted: 26th Sep 2005 09:22
You need to switch the destroy script to keepalive script. That should do it. If it doesn't, then it's one of the other scripts. >_>

Head of SeilĂȘnos
French gui
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Posted: 26th Sep 2005 22:21 Edited at: 26th Sep 2005 22:26
I don't think it's with scripting or because the key has been destroyed: after 20/30 tries ( ) I've seen (very quickly) the key going through walls! (but like I said if I walk on the place where the key was I can take it...) I have tried to set it to static but I can't take it anymore. The level is here:

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