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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Question with regard to multiplayer.

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Joined: 25th Sep 2005
Posted: 25th Sep 2005 19:14
Hey, does fps creator have a lobby system for multiplayer games, or do you have to mess about with the whole ip thing.

Thanks, TangoTM
Mike Johnson
TGC Developer
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Posted: 25th Sep 2005 19:41
When you launch your multiplayer game you will see a list of games currently being hosted which you can select to join.
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Joined: 25th Sep 2005
Posted: 25th Sep 2005 20:07
ok, another question: can you disable single player, and have a pure multiplayer game?
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Joined: 25th Sep 2005
Posted: 25th Sep 2005 20:11
And uhm also - can you have fixed weapon positions in your level, i.e. a fixed cannon you can use.
Storm 6000
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Posted: 26th Sep 2005 01:46
single player and multiplayer games are totally seperate and always have been to my knowlage :S there is no diableing its either single or multiplayer, as for the weapon question no i dont think you cna in this version but hey u cna place a minigun in you levele so its not exactly an issue in some ways

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Location: Netherlands
Posted: 7th Dec 2005 16:52
i got a question:
is the server hosted on the IP adress of the computer where the game is made or somewhere else on internet?
so is the computer where you make it with a link to the game server or is it not connected?

(talking about a game i want to make)

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