Well, I guess interest has been lost in this project. Oh well, I'm going to keep working on it, again the link has been updated. Here's all the stuff that should be working in the latest version:
Open Model - opens model
Open Project - Still adding more
Save Project - Still adding more
Save .DBO - currently just using DBPro "Save object", will be adding more
Screenshot - Saves the viewport into /Images as JPG
Wireframe - displays model as wireframe
Turntable - slowly rotates model
exit - exits program
Animation controls at the bottom all work, functions are:
rewind to start
frame backward
frame forward
forward to end
current frame number
jump to frame number
Viewport also displays poly count and FPS
Animation tab
animation start/end frames - I'll be changing it so that end user can name the animations whatever, right now it's set up for my game. This saves in project.
sound select - sound associated with animation. Not saved in project properly yet
play animation button - plays it once
loop toggle - loop animation. Press play on another animation and it will play, then resume loop.
Character Setup Tab
character name - would be used to reference INI file for in-game loading, saves in project
attributes - I'll make it so end users can modify what these are for, not saved properly in project yet
rotate/scale character - Useful in the viewer, but I'll change it so that it settings here will become the normal for that character. Saved in project
y offset character - when you scale, here's how you'd put them back onto the ground. Save in project
refence objects - load a second object for size reference or show ground for Y=0 reference. Should be saved in project I think....
Lights Tab
5 different light setups with ambient functionality, colour/intensity adjustements - mostly working, main thing that isn't is rotating the 3 point lights. Not saved in project
General Tab
project directory - should be the root of everything when loading, not fully functioning yet. Saved in project and as default
background colour - background of viewport. Saved in project and as default
performance - This program uses the CPU saving routine. Click this to turn that off, should only be needed if you have a bunch of other stuff running
animation speed - adjust if animation is playing too fast/slow. Saved in project
sync rate - just in case you want to lock the sync rate. Saved in project
sync active - toggles the sync lock, saved in project
I think that's about it. There's definately some stuff to work out and many more features to come. I'm still open to suggestions, this started out as just something for my project but if it works well I'm going to make it free for anyone to use.
And here's the link one last time: