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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Segment Editor driving me towards the chair and rope!!!!Save me!!!!

Armoured slug
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Joined: 22nd Sep 2005
Location: U.k.
Posted: 26th Sep 2005 22:05
Hi all,
I was wondering if someone out there in the net void could help me with a problem I have with the Segment editor? It just seems to crash on me! Which it never did to start with.

What happens is, I start up the S.e as normal, then bring up the browser for the mesh and pick, then select my texture. Now the tile/wall should be ready to move around and position etc. But when I click on the segment to try and move it the S.e just closes down!!
But I must say it lets me keep the browser, not quite sure what I can do with just that!!!

Then I noticed this notepad in files:
PathToEXE=C:\Program Files\The Game Creators\FPS Creator\FPSCreator_SegmentKit\FPSCREATOR-SEGEDKIT\Files\CrashOn_09_26_05.txt
m_dwRuntimeErrorDWORD=Internal Code:12002

So does this make sense to anyone? Is there a cure? or shall I step to the chair?

Cheers all......
Reality Check Games
Years of Service
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Joined: 28th Dec 2005
Posted: 30th Dec 2005 05:15
Hi, I have this problem too. Does anybody have a solution?


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