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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Texture Question

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Joined: 29th Jul 2005
Location: In a box
Posted: 27th Sep 2005 05:08
Hey, this might seem noobish but I am not sure how to change FPSC model textures and want to know if someone can give me a tutorial on changing the character textures and getting them into my game. It would be helpful. Thanx.

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Retired Moderator
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Location: Shocking Bulls
Posted: 27th Sep 2005 05:11
replace the d2 texture in entitybank/scifi/charecters
with whatever you want...

make sure to back it up first though...

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Wheel Gator
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Posted: 27th Sep 2005 07:43
I will edit your textures for you just go here >

Will edit textures, make banners, and make fun of you for free.

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