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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Entity Editor and compiler

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Posted: 27th Sep 2005 05:32
I want to make my own characters, scenery props and general stuff for fps.
I know somebody stated here that Milkshape is the Entity editor. I use it, as well as Gamespace and have my -DBPro tested- static and animated models and textures (X format) and also have checked out the fpi script syntax for AI.
But, have not found how to fully convert them to an entity. Went through the manual twice, but still miss it. Is there some sort of compiler for this task? Or can I do it by just changing the FPE file.
There are this BIN files that are binary representation of FPE, but the information for obtaining a correct BIN is not on the manual.

may the 3d force B with U
Wheel Gator
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Posted: 27th Sep 2005 07:40 Edited at: 27th Sep 2005 07:41
Quote: "just changing the FPE file."

Quote: "BIN files that are binary representation of FPE, but the information for obtaining a correct BIN is not on the manual."

it makes it for you after you use it in FPSC

Will edit textures, make banners, and make fun of you for free.
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Posted: 27th Sep 2005 10:33
If you modify the FPE file, do you need to delete the Bin file so that it can be recreated?

Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 27th Sep 2005 11:57
No, there is no need to delete the .bin file. I don't delete it and entities work ok for me.
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Posted: 27th Sep 2005 22:23
i delete inly takes an extra 2 sec...and you ensure your new entity is working ...

I am really BULLSHOCK, but my profile got deleted...really, i'm telling the truth!
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Posted: 27th Sep 2005 23:48
I supposed that the BIN file would be created by FPS itself. Well, am going to test.
By the way, on the manual is stated that you should erase the BIN, but let's test other scenarios.

may the 3d force B with U

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