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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Does the Save & Load game feature in FPS Creator work at all????

Dr Who
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Posted: 27th Sep 2005 11:47
Like the title says guys... Has anybody here actually had any success with it at all? TGC... Does these commands work???? If not! I can't see how you would of released this product on the PC market knowing that there will be alot of angry customers once they figure out that these commands dont work!!!! Will there be another update to fix all of this? Just curious to ask & know!! Thanks All...

Best Regards,

Richard Davey
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Posted: 27th Sep 2005 17:38
From the horses mouth (i.e. Lee)

The SAVEGAME FPI action does not work in V1 of the product. The whole
load/save game architecture was part of the prototype stage and dropped due to time constraints. The graphics and FPI placeholders are still in the product, and there is a possibility this feature will be returned in a future version.

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Posted: 27th Sep 2005 19:22
Unless I officially know for sure that this feature will be added in a patch, I might as well not even move forward. Why make lots of levels the player will never get to see because they can't save and continue.
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Posted: 27th Sep 2005 19:52
I'll think that i will aim at a Multiplayer game - no Savegame needed. (And a bootcamp, naturally )
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Posted: 27th Sep 2005 21:15
No save game feature at all?!! So, am I to presume the 'checkpoint' markers do nothing? If so, I too will have to drop any plans for building commercially viable games with FPSC. A vague promise that the feature 'may' be included in a future build really isn't good enough.

This is a real shame.
Cellbloc Studios
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Posted: 27th Sep 2005 21:33 Edited at: 27th Sep 2005 21:37
Doesn't anyone else get it? They had a deadline that could not be moved and they needed to get what they could done with the time they had. When the Source Code is released, all these problems are going to go away...

Save Game will work
Importing Models will be easier
Faster Builds

The list is indeed endless depending on how much Mountain Dew I can get my hands on... my boomstick!
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Posted: 27th Sep 2005 21:51
Well... I have the key to one of the Mountain Dew plants....

I may not be good in school, may not hae had a girl for a while, ma not had a social life in years, BUT I"M STILL THE ONLY ONE IN SCHOOL WHO KNOWS HOW TO MAKE GAMES!!!

Richard Davey
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Posted: 28th Sep 2005 00:24
Quote: "No save game feature at all?!! So, am I to presume the 'checkpoint' markers do nothing? If so, I too will have to drop any plans for building commercially viable games with FPSC. A vague promise that the feature 'may' be included in a future build really isn't good enough."

If it's a feature you need, don't buy it. Never buy software on what it MIGHT be able to do. Buy it on what it CAN do. Otherwise it's only your loss. If this is a big issue for you, FPSC isn't the package you need.

When the game engine is released next month you can add in save game commands to your hearts content. Until then, you don't have them.

Checkpoint markers work fine btw.

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Mr Love
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Posted: 28th Sep 2005 05:14
When You buy a program like FPSC I think the most people expect that You can Load and Save Your games without paying a lot of money for another program! Richard is right "Checkpoint markers work fine" as long as You can load Your Checkpoints. Without REAL Savegame many of us can play around with the free demo instead...
By the way the dos-game Another World May have given Sierra the idea to make Halflife 1, the story and graphics was amazing for its time. Why not try it out at the nearest abandongames-site...

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Posted: 28th Sep 2005 09:01
What is that "game engine" Richard mentioned? Will it cost or is a free add-on for FPS?

may the 3d force B with U
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Posted: 28th Sep 2005 17:12
That not only would be great, but greatly needed, because a large game (and a dangerous one) definitely needs to save state. Otherwise, you have to start over and there is where most users get bored and forget about your work.
I think TGC should fix this right away, because is a big stain on a perfectly white shirt.

may the 3d force B with U
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Posted: 28th Sep 2005 23:36
I've posted this in another thread but now v1 is out, thought I'd post again.

What about a password for each level once completed? It worked in the Playstation versions of Doom. Not sure how it was generated but you got a multiple character (letters and numbers) at the end of a level. Going back to the game and entering the password took you to the start of the next one....with all the ammo, weapons and health. You could select the characters by moving joypad up and down and then pressing right to move onto the next.

For fps creator, its no big deal if you do not get the ammo, weapons etc collected in previous level. Just ANYTHING to prevent you from having to play the full game after powering off.

If you make a game commercially available its not a problem if someone posts the level passwords, no real gamer would use them. I for one would want to play the game properly and get a challenge...not finish it in a few minutes!

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