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FPSC Classic Product Chat / I just want to say thanks

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Posted: 28th Sep 2005 04:11
In my ever lasting quest to be the most thankfull of your FPSC users,
I am here by giving all of the TGC team each a coppy of Total War 2005
when it is relesed. It is the least I can do to say thanks for the best
program I have ever had the misfortune to find. I'll also give you
all the expansons through Summer 2006, when I think I will stop updating the game.

@Everybody else:
No hacking into TGC's computers to get it!

I may not be good in school, may not hae had a girl for a while, ma not had a social life in years, BUT I"M STILL THE ONLY ONE IN SCHOOL WHO KNOWS HOW TO MAKE GAMES!!!

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Location: Canada
Posted: 28th Sep 2005 04:32 Edited at: 28th Sep 2005 04:33
Quote: "No hacking into TGC's computers to get it!"


Quote: "I am here by giving all of the TGC team each a coppy of Total War 2005
when it is relesed."

i hope it is commercial because giving TGC a free game that they can already download, it's dumb

really, me too i will give TGC a copy of my FPSC game, Insane Killer, a complex game from WW2 to Modern Day, when it will be released. here's a little spoiler from my game:

=-{SKaleX}-= Current Projects: -Insane Killer-=-Chaos Zone-
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Location: Idaho, US
Posted: 28th Sep 2005 06:11
ChrisB, I really enjoyed your demo map (or thats what I thought it was) and I'm sure the finished product will be well worth playing.

Skalex, if you aren't kidding about your game:
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Joined: 28th Jun 2005
Posted: 28th Sep 2005 07:42
Sounds like Oppossing Force Sounds great.
Evil stick
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Joined: 27th Mar 2005
Posted: 28th Sep 2005 14:12
How do you do that with scripts?

I ALWAYS wear my flame proof jacket.......just in case.
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Joined: 2nd Feb 2005
Location: Canada
Posted: 29th Sep 2005 04:03
Quote: "Skalex, if you aren't kidding about your game:"

i'm not kidding, thanks

Quote: "ChrisB, I really enjoyed your demo map"

i will see 'bout that

Quote: "How do you do that with scripts?"

open notepad, and script. really, open teh manual

=-{SKaleX}-= Current Projects: -Insane Killer-=-Chaos Zone-

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