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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Game loading almost all of the level, not just room player is in..FPS stinks, help!

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Posted: 28th Sep 2005 08:17
So I made a map, and I was getting less then 20 FPS. I went into debug mode...and If i'm looking at it right, everything in BLUE is what it's drawing, then its drawing the whole level, all the time. So I made 4 rooms using prefabs, made sure they were connected, and tested that. Same thing. It's drawing the whole map, no matter where I am...this isnt it? I thought it was only supposed to draw the segment the player is in...any ideas guys?

I AM using the demo version, if that makes a dif.
Evil stick
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Posted: 28th Sep 2005 13:50
It's probably because of the demo, but I at least can't understand what you mean, so could you put a screenshot?
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Posted: 28th Sep 2005 19:15
Er...I would, but how do I take a screenshot with the demo?
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Posted: 28th Sep 2005 19:30
Press the Print Screen key which will most likely be next to your F12 key on your keyboard. This copies the screen to your clipboard. Open a program that can save jpegs (if you don't have Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro I'd suggest using Paint as it's free and comes with windows!).

Start a new file in the graphics program and press Ctrl-V to paste the image into the new file. Save it as a jpeg. Bob's your uncle

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Posted: 28th Sep 2005 20:07
Ok, here it is. See how it's drwaing the Whole level? It's not that big of a shouldent be lagging like this. I have no openings to the outside world, and no gaps. I do have 19 enemies, and serveral barrels and crates. Please don't tell me it's too many enemies...


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Zero #43
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Posted: 28th Sep 2005 20:21
ohhh okkk.... thats not a problem..... just press the } or the ] button... same key just press that button and its fine

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Posted: 28th Sep 2005 20:21
If the polygons for all 19 enemies are being rendered in view at once, that will bring fpsc to its knees. Try placing them in a way that not all of them will be in view at the same time.
Zero #43
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Posted: 28th Sep 2005 20:23
nooo thats the the problem.... i just answered the problem

Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor w/ HT Technology 3.4GHz 800MHz FSB w/ 512KB Cache, 1GB DDR PC-2700 at 333MHz - 1x1024 SO-DIMM, ATI RADEON™ 9550 256MB DDR(<<soon ), 80GB Hard Drive
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Posted: 28th Sep 2005 22:01
That is really Uber Strange. looks like a FP-view in a leveleditor Not good. Looks funny though.
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Posted: 29th Sep 2005 00:17 all not getting it. That view is from DEBUG mode. It draws the lines on the screen to show you what is being drawn at the time, how many polys and a bunch of other info. What I'm showing you in DEBUG mode is that it's drawing the whole map,inlcuding enemies, at all times. The room I am in right now is a closed room, with only one door. The debug mode shows me that the game is drawing the whole map almost all of the time. I'm just trying to find out if it's supposed to be doing that.
Dark Merlin Game Studios
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Posted: 29th Sep 2005 11:36
my level was doing the same thing but it was diff,
it ran fine and then a went to another room (via teleport) and it started going 2fp/s i turned around (away from the other room) and it started going 30fp/s again .

I got rid of the teleport and put a path and i walked half way into the room and it started doing the same thing!

I totally deleted the room and remade it (put bak all the segment + more) and it worked fine

If sum1 can tell me wats going on id like it
Dark Merlin Game Studios
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Posted: 29th Sep 2005 11:44
i also use the trial version

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