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FPSC Classic Product Chat / FPSC Wrapper

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Posted: 28th Sep 2005 20:17
I'm developing a wrapper for FPSC, if anyone is interested in it please let me know. How much, if any, your willing to pay for it, and what features you need.

Features in now :
- Extracts and Writes it's own scripts for FPSC, and pops in and out levels. (One EXE for both singleplayer and multiplayer.)
- Uses it's own MySQL Driven Database for multiplayer games, launching each game, in host or join mode. (So you can have many many multiplayer levels, without dealing with people having different maps.)
- Uses "dynamic" FPSC scripts, allowing you to change music for levels on the fly.
- Executes FPSC, without you having to do anything.

Expected Features
- CD-Key Protection
- Downloads Levels from your website.
- Auto-Patches Game
- Modifible GUI (Currently has a really crappy gui.)

Head of Seilênos
alex 1337
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Posted: 29th Sep 2005 04:49
That would be cool. Have u started this project yet (have any screens?0
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Posted: 29th Sep 2005 07:37
That would be sweet! In reality, if you charge alot for it, most people won't buy it. A DEMO would be great, also screenes.

I may not be good in school, may not hae had a girl for a while, ma not had a social life in years, BUT I"M STILL THE ONLY ONE IN SCHOOL WHO KNOWS HOW TO MAKE GAMES!!!

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Posted: 29th Sep 2005 09:43
Sounds great. I would rather not pay for it, but then does anyone really want to pay for anything ? I'd probably buy it, but only if the price is reasonable (a penny, anyone ?). It really depends on how well the features work, but it sounds good. I would defientely consider buying it. Like =ChrisB= said, aa demo would be nice also.

Resident Evil Remake is teh fergin' best!
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Posted: 29th Sep 2005 09:59
Hi iceViper,

lets assume we have your tool and I launch a game to play with some friends. The level is over because the frag count is reached.

I am the host so I choose the next map. How could my friends automagically load the same level?
Dark Merlin Game Studios
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Posted: 29th Sep 2005 10:34
that sounds pretty cool,

id be ok with buyin it but i live in aus so everything is worth more

stil demo would work 4 me
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Posted: 29th Sep 2005 15:43
@gamemaker alex
Yes, it is started. I was originally going to use it just for my FPS. I don't have any screenshots as the GUI sucks. Now that I've reinstalled Photoshop I'll be able to make it look good.

Obviously. As for a Demo, it's a bit more difficult for this type of program...

No one ever wants to pay. As for the Demo, probably not.

If I can find a way to get FPSC to use FileIO, it will happen very easily and soon. If not, I have to memory hack it, which isn't so fun. >_<

@Dark Merlin
I'm Canadian, the price would be set in CAD, rather then USD. Done by Paypal.

Well, I have heard some people want to pay for it. Now I need a list of features you need/want.

Head of Seilênos
Zero #43
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Posted: 29th Sep 2005 18:16
@ slacer.. its like the counter strike source.. or quake 3... if you dont have the material/media for the level it downloads it automatically to your hard drive

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