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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Runtime Error-Object already exists at line 18225

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Joined: 28th Sep 2005
Posted: 28th Sep 2005 22:08
Runtime Error-Object already exists at line 18225

How can I find the error if I am not programming any scripts. I just clicked and pasted everything. The demo's will work and I am using the full version. Any other map I create will build but not my main game.

Can anyone help?
Years of Service
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Joined: 7th Oct 2005
Posted: 18th Oct 2005 01:36
Hi Dwayne,

I too am experiencing this error. It seems to come from when "Marker" entities are added (lights, player starts, triggers, etc.).

I'm not exactly sure what is causing it, but I would make progressive saves of your levels, and add markers with incremental saves. If the problem re-surfaces, add the last "good" map, with the latest map that has the problems to a zip file, upload them so someone can look at them (FPSC crew). this way they can figure out what is causing the issue and (hopefully) make a patch to resolve it.

Keep on working though - and good luck!!


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