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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Merge map menu command

Pulsar Coder
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2005 10:19 Edited at: 2nd Oct 2005 10:22
Please but PLEASE add a merge command in future versions of FPSC.

The bigger the map the longer it takes for FPSC to build a test exe, and although this is an obvious fact, the relation seems to be exponential (it really takes too long).

With a merge option, one could work on small pieces and then, when finishes them, can combine them in a final level map.

Otherwise, levels should be small so as not to force the user (or us) to wait too long to play (or test) each level. It's a pitty to cap production to small levels.
Dark Merlin Game Studios
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2005 11:30
it doesnt take THAT long unless you have everythingset to high

when you are testing a game set lightmapping to quick and textures to 256 or 128

it makes build time MUCH quicker
Pulsar Coder
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2005 18:54
Dark Merlin, it takes too long even with all settings to the minimum -so as to increase performance.

And I'm not talking about a small map, remember that the grid is 40x40.

My map is, aprox. 7x38 so it takes close to 7-10 minutes to compile for testing -the same time when opening the level in the final exe.

A merge function is needed.
Evil stick
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2005 19:08

Just get a good computer......bigger hard drive.........more memory.

I ALWAYS have flame proof jacket...just in case...and a shotgun. If you want any, just ask!

We are all nice,except for that one who's name starts in a m and ends in erranvo.
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2005 19:14
@Evil Stick - Why are you screaming? Is there really cause for that?

@Ultrahead - I don't disagree that a 'merge' function would be useful--so would hands in the POV, but we're going to have to wait for it.

Until then you could try some strategies to improve performance. Lowering the settings has already been suggested, no reason to talk about that more. One thing you could try is loading FPSC, alt+tab+del to the task manager, click on the 'Processes tab' and then right-click on FPS Creator. Then, go to 'Set Priority' and change it to 'High'. You may see some performance increase that way.

--formally FPSCreators--

"Trust no one" --Deepthroat (X-Files)
Evil stick
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2005 19:54
I'm not screaming, just talking in capitals.

I ALWAYS have flame proof jacket...just in case...and a shotgun. If you want any, just ask!

We are all nice,except for that one who's name starts in a m and ends in erranvo.
Pulsar Coder
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2005 06:43
@SkyCubes: Yes, I've already tried that ...

@Evil Stick: my computer specs: Athlon 64 3000+, 1 GB CAS 2.5 memory DDR 400, 2x160 GB SATA HD (RAID), nVidia GeForce 6600 GT. You must be kidding me, right?

I'm not only thinking 'bout how long it takes me to compile/test a map but also I'm thinking on the final -regular- user who will say "ok, the snapshots are good but it takes 7 to 10 minutes to load a single level so thanks, but no thanks ..."
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2005 06:50

Does your current project use only supplied FPSC media? If so, perhaps you could send the FPM to a few people with similar specs to run some tests and see if the problem is FPSC or if it lies with your configuration/system. Just a suggestion.

--formally FPSCreators--

"Trust no one" --Deepthroat (X-Files)
Pulsar Coder
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2005 07:02
Since the map is part of a commercial project I can't.

However, it'd be great just to have a merge-map option since I assume that TGC is working on the compiler so as to improve it -I can't remember who told me that and in which thread he/she posted it.
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2005 17:10
Try checking your hard drive for errors with Scandisk, and also have a look at whether it needs defragging. Looking at the stats of your machine you may have a problem unrelated to FPSC.

Also have a look at any Spyware/Adware that you may have picked well as viruses.

Adaware and Spybot Search and Destroy are both free to download and use, and Webroot do a 30 day free trial for Spy Sweeper which I've found is the best of the lot. If you have a legit version of Windows Microsoft have a good anti-spyware for free download too.

You may also have anti-spyware tools with your anti-virus too, worth taking a look.

Good map design will also help in cutting down loading times, have a look at the manual for tips, especially about not having big open spaces. I've a multiplayer in the Showcase thread that has gone down a storm amongst friends and a couple of them are running it on low spec machines without too many problems.

Hope that helps

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Pulsar Coder
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2005 18:39
ok, believe me.

No viruses, no spyware and HD are periodically defrag, tested and "mirrored".

Tha map is just big.

Thanks for the tips anyway.

A 'merge' function would be nice, that's all I'm saying ...

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