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FPSC Classic Product Chat / A question for somebody

Simon Richardson
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Joined: 2nd Oct 2005
Location: Ross-Shire, Scotland.
Posted: 2nd Oct 2005 18:32
Hi, I don't know where to put this so i will just try here.

Is it possible to reduce the size of the collision onject used for the player.

reason being, i am creating somethibg which uses balst shehelters from during the war as seen on RAF camps and the gaps between the walls on the model are to small for a player to go through and i don't want to resize the object as i want to keep it to scale.

Is there a way of sorting this problem out fairly easily .


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Posted: 4th Oct 2005 02:44
yes ther is

i am a mad programer are u?
Simon Richardson
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Location: Ross-Shire, Scotland.
Posted: 5th Oct 2005 21:35
Any chance you could tell me please, or is it so obvious that i should smash my head of the monitor (which i have wanted to quite a few times before) .

I'm not much of a scripter which is why this prog is great.

Simon Richardson
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Location: Ross-Shire, Scotland.
Posted: 7th Oct 2005 13:27
Pretty please with sugar on top.

Simon Richardson
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Location: Ross-Shire, Scotland.
Posted: 10th Oct 2005 00:33
I've had a look through the fpi files but doesn't seem to be anything there.

Any help please.

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