Posted classic bits about my epic battle with the giant raccoon, and other stories.
People have made progress in various things, mostly ports for Game Maker and various .dlls to make 3D games easier. Freegadgets went off to college, and occassionally returns to show us what he's done, and new people stumble in and out from time to time.
Anyway, I hope to see you back there sometime. I'm curious what you've done so far with DarkBASIC. I made a forum room for it, after Xception requested one, then after checking out the demo ordered the program for myself.
It is odd that DarkBASIC Pro doesn't support this major file format. I wonder how hard it would be to make a .dll linking to it. If anyone out there has any idea, let me know. Otherwise I'll keep roaming about sourceforge sporactically hoping to stumble upon something that works. With all the .dll masters we have roaming about there, I'm surprise none of them have found a way to do it.
the last sane human being in a world gone mad