I made a squirrel of sorts but as you can see my UV mapping skills aren't the most...developed. I posted the .x file, my UV, and a blank UV if you want to give it a try.
It is about 700 polies.
Tell me if it loads in DB that would be a miracle.
EDIT: almost forgot about the UV, you will need the colored one for it to show in a game if model loads
Blank UV:
Colored UV:
For the blank UV these numbers correlate to what part of the mesh they represent:
1=Face Front
2=Face Back
3= Neck+Shoulders(Top down)
4=Body Front
5=Body Back
6=Right Eye
7=Left Eye
8=Side of Body
10=Tail Top
11=Tail Bottom
12=Right Foot Top
13=Left Foot Top
14=Right Foot Bottom
15=Left Foot Bottom
16=Right Arm
17=Left Arm
Explain to me why some people pay money for 3d software? Its not 3d till its been blended. wwww.blender3d.org