Look at the examples that come with DB, looking up the commands you don't know in the help files (Press F1).
Change bits in the examples and see what effect it has when you run - but don't change too much or you won't remember what to do to put it back if it doesn't run!
Read Tutorials!
Yes, they can be boring, but absolutely essential if you want to learn how to program.
The important thing with a tutorial is that if you don't understand what it's saying, then it's aimed at a more advanced level than you are currently at.
The moment you hit something you don't totally understand, re-read it again from the start. If you still don't understand the same bit, don't read any more of the tutorial - come onto the forums and ask someone to explain the bit you couldn't understand. You can then go back and carry on with it.
There are a series of tutorials for beginners on my web site, written not only for begginners in DB, but beginners to programming in general.
One more tip... At first, start writing VERY simple programs - lots of them! Write a separate one to demonstrate every command you don't understand if neccessary. Use the forums if you get stuck.
Don't make your first ever program 3D - let alone an RPG or FPS!! And never, ever copy someone else's code into your program unless you know exactly what it's doing first. Doing this will only cause you problems because at some point your program will not work and you (or anyone else) won't have a clue how to fix it!