Let's use a single string array, named
cityname$(2), which as you can see has 3 slots(0 is also a slot).
Now, fill the array with the names of the cities, each into a single slot.
cityname$(0) = "cityA"
cityname$(1) = "cityB"
cityname$(2) = "cityC"
RND function will return a number between 0 and the number you supply it. Therefore,
rnd(2) will return a number between 0 and 2, making a match to either slot of our array.
Below is the end of the code. Concatenate the chosen array slot string into the middle of your constant strings.
citynumberstart = rnd(2)
citynumberend = rnd(2)
messagetext$ = "Go from " + cityname$(citynumber) + "and arrive at " + cityname$(citynumber)