hi,ive got some code set up so i can position my objects & get there xyz's.
what im trying to do is be able to use input & change my variable # for the object im currently working with.but i get an error when i input my #.(& yes im inputting a current object #)
if keystate(33) then input "number?",obj#
rem obj#=1`change this # for what im working on
if upkey() then move object obj#,1 `*** i get the error here after i input my # something about object # being illegal..
if downkey() then move object obj#,-1
if leftkey() then turn object left obj#,0.6
if rightkey() then turn object right obj#,0.6
if controlkey() then move object up obj#,0.3
if spacekey() then move object down obj#,0.3
`get xyz and y angle of object im working with
x#=object position x(obj#)
y#=object position y(obj#)
z#=object position z(obj#)
ya#=object angle y(obj#)
`print xyz and angle of object im working with
text 10,400,str$(x#)
text 10,420,str$(y#)
text 10,440,str$(z#)
text 10,460,str$(ya#)