I was in a chat room the other day about a FPSC and I was asked "What type of game should I make?"
I was shocked, in part because I really didn't understand the question. The person obviously was in the FPSC Chat room to talk about FPSC. I assumed that they either have the demo or the purchased the software. But the heart of the matter was teh question itself.
"What type of game should I make?"
I had no idea how to reply. FPSC is a great tool for fun. Make what makes you happy. If you like running around killing zombies with a chainsaw, do it! If you have read the manual and have questions on scripting to get the AI working, ask! If you are having trouble building your own segments, ask!
The point I'm trying to make is, try something first, then ask.
While developing Riker 9, I am still learning the in's and out's of the FPSC program. I have created a demo with the new features to show off what can be done, but there's always more to add.
Remember people are here to help you, but don't get demanding on them "HELP!!! I need XZY Model" or "I just installed FPSC, now what". How can we help? No one is going to design your game for you, and no one is going to build all your models, your huds, etc, etc..
I would really like people to look at FPSC as a stepping stone in to developing really good games. Learn all you can before asking questions. Learn how to create your own DirectX files, how to use Paint Shop Pro (and stop posting BMP images!), how to use MilkShape or some other cheaper modeler program.
Always remember, Google is your Friend.
-This...is my boomstick!