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3 Dimensional Chat / My new swords

John H
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Posted: 25th Feb 2003 01:56
Yep its me with more swords So, what am I waiting for! Here they are!

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3 (my fav)

These swords can be found at but they are all way above 40,000 polies, so I redid them I just used their screen shots as a basic reference


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Posted: 25th Feb 2003 02:20
they textured yet?

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Posted: 25th Feb 2003 02:35
my fav. is #2
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Posted: 25th Feb 2003 02:50
iffy. very iffy. but number 3 looks great, maily because it is the only plausible one to hold...

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Posted: 25th Feb 2003 03:01
Hmm....from I will have to write them an email telling them to have the person that designed those swords shot. Twice.(Just for good measure). For the most part their design is unbelievable and useless. However the second would look kinda spiffy if it's blade was longer than that of a pocket knife.

Anyway. 40k! YIKES!How low did you get the poly count? down to?

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 25th Feb 2003 03:26
be interesing to see the real ones... so we know what frame of reference they come from

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John H
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Posted: 25th Feb 2003 04:02
I didnt cut them down- I completely redid them. The second one, the blade IS big. The handle is for 2 hands so the blade is kinda large.

Here are the original pics

First sword (I did a bad job redoing this one )

Second one

Last one

They are made to be fantasy, so thats why they are un-usable LOL. Imagine all clouds swords, or Tidus's!


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Posted: 25th Feb 2003 05:06
I remember that one from a past contest...My hats off to the guy that modelled the Storm of Oblivion.

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 25th Feb 2003 06:37
i really like the "Flaming Dragon" blade ... i think the last two would be useable in a sword fight.

However the user would probably have somethings in the handle to accomidate the hand better (^_^)
and they'd cost too much for anyone who wasn't like a Knight/Baron/Lord/King to afford.

I never got that about RPGs, you see the characters they're always poor guys - but they have like very smart expensive cloths and expensive hardware ... i mean WTF?!
Atleast our lil buddy Link starts with a pathetic blade and a wooden sheild

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John H
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Posted: 25th Feb 2003 14:00
So, how do you guys think I did remodelling them? I tried just to keep their basic shape but I mean, they are way to high poly in those pics.

What do you think of mine?


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Posted: 25th Feb 2003 14:43
They look good RPG,just be sure to have a texture job that's up to them.

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Siege Delux
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Posted: 25th Feb 2003 15:25
Hey, a rely good job in the modelling of the swords!
Im realy keen on swords too, but i dont have the program to make the in 3D

John H
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Posted: 25th Feb 2003 22:23
Thanks all I will UV map them soon for our 2D to texture when he has time.

Siege Delux: These swords were made in a very cheap modelling program called Milkshape 3D. It costs a mere 20 dollars. It can be found at There are also great tutorials for it on their website



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Posted: 6th Mar 2003 16:32
here are some of my swords!

fire, fire, fire
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John H
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Posted: 7th Mar 2003 00:11
Dangit get your own post.

BTW I cut them all down.

Flame + Dragon blade are at 100

Oblivion is at 230

They have little to NO detail loss. They have all been cut by 1/2 poly count at least.


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Mike Inel
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Posted: 7th Mar 2003 09:43
How many polys those the first pic I saw there? and are you using Milkshape 3d?

Mike Inel
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Posted: 7th Mar 2003 09:49
I like the way the Claymore was lighted...

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Posted: 7th Mar 2003 13:14
sorry, rpggamer, did not mean to offend you, your swords are way better than mine.

fire, fire, fire
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Posted: 8th Mar 2003 03:55
Yeah i liked #3, way cool. i could never do that. Mad props.

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John H
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Posted: 8th Mar 2003 16:38
Number 1 and 2 were around 250 polies but i cut them down both to around 100

Number 1 is at 120 number 2 is at 108

Number 3 is around 580 in the pic, but now its around 230- little to no detail loss


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Mike Inel
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Posted: 10th Mar 2003 07:43
Wow! Jus' a hundred! Great!

Andy Igoe
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Posted: 10th Mar 2003 20:16
As a registered equity holder for specialist extra work i've done an awful lot of sword fighting and so it is with some authority I can say that the plausability of a weapon is not based on the cosmetic.

So the weapons above that are useable? Well potentially all of them.

When wielding a sword the single most important aspect as to the useability of the sword is it's point of balance. A good sword is typically balanced a hand a half down the blade from the guard or 7-8 fingers.

Personaly my own sword is 8-9 fingers, it is (and the swear word here is unavoidable because that is what it is) a replica bastard sword of a Viking find from about 900AD and I name it 'Valkyre Kreis' - or 'Kiss of the Valkarie'. It has many dents despite being made of EM45 Steel.

The extra length on the balance makes a suprising change in the swords performance. It is far slower to wield than a sword which is balanced nearer the hilt - however it's extra range more than compensates for this.

Although the sword is a bastard sword (hand-and-a-half - meaning it is for either 1 or 2 handed use) I find it most effective when being wielded 1 handed, this again is because of the point of balance - any further down the blade and I would have no choice but to use both hands.

So what determines the point of balance?

Well that's simple really. The weight of the blade when compared to the weight of the handle. So without knowing the materials and mass that each of the samples swords are made of, there is no way of knowing if these swords are really wieldeable.

What does this mean for RPG games?

All weapons are plausable. You might need a black hole in the handle to wield some of them, but theoretically anything can be a highly effective melee weapon if it is correctly balanced and the right weight for the wielder.

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 10th Mar 2003 21:59
lol... well thats a rather definitive answer

you kinda didn't mention that the balance of the blade to a single side also depends on the users style of using the sword (^_^)
most of the time its personal preferance and ability which lets you use certain swords. wish i knew more about that kinda thing - just seems most people i know don't like swords or anything, even have my Katana and Koji banned from the house by mom cause she doesn't like the idea of having a potencially dangerous weapon in the house.

just think how much damage it could do to your wrist weilding some of these fantasy blade thou ... ack i wouldn't want the doctors bill for that

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John H
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Posted: 10th Mar 2003 23:36
If you have played FF7 or 10 you would know what I meant by an RPG sword.


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Posted: 11th Mar 2003 18:03
ahh... I love RPG swords...

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Posted: 14th Mar 2003 19:20
What did you make the sword with. Because I really need swords for my game I'm making!

Joe smith
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Posted: 15th Mar 2003 02:47
thats what he made his with, the others were most likely made in Lightwave (or that'd be my guess) ... second one probably in Max

Tsu'va Oni Ni Jyuuko Fiori Sei Tau!
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Posted: 15th Mar 2003 05:46
Hey how do you make the pictures appear in the posts? the little buttons don't work.

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 15th Mar 2003 06:18
1) upload to ftp site
2) type the link
3) highlight
4) click on 'img'

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Posted: 15th Mar 2003 07:14
ok cool thanks.

Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed? Because pink racoons can't go faster than 83 miles-per-second.
John H
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Posted: 15th Mar 2003 14:20
Yep. I made mine in milkshape. The others were probably made in one of them fancy expensive programs lol


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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 15th Mar 2003 15:47
nothin' beats good old milkshape... well cept on of them fancy lost of money 3D Packagimabobs

Tsu'va Oni Ni Jyuuko Fiori Sei Tau!
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John H
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Posted: 15th Mar 2003 21:46
True that!

Current - RPG: Eternal Destiny
Dont ask those questions! Read the help files lazy! Oh ya, and Tat has a plugin for that!

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