I tried the negative and it didn't work. After "playing" and testing I found this would work:
Set Camera Range 30.0,170000.0
load object "skybox.x", obj
set object obj,1,1,0,0,0
set object cull obj,0
scale object obj,500000,500000,500000
position camera cx,0,cz
However the background is dark and not visible unless you move around the area. Then there was an interesting effect while moving, the background would light up in places around some of the clouds. Not the entire area but where a LIGHT command would reach the background, causing a semi-thunderstorm effect. Hmm, I will investigate more and add streak lighting to it. I added the Storm.wav to it already add the effect is creepy
IF anyone can come up with a reason this is or how to make a better storm effect I am open to suggestions. Thanks
When programmers die, do they decompile?