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Program Announcements / Star Wars - Trench Runner - No Media - Source Code

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Posted: 14th Nov 2005 04:23 Edited at: 7th Dec 2005 16:17
Hey ya all, some of you know me, some don't, but I made a recent entry in the DBPro codeing chalanges (on of all places the DBPro board) And well, I've decided that my entry waranted a posting in the Program Anouncements so that a few others might be able to enjoy this.

Ok basicly this is a recreation of the trench run on the death star from Episode IV, if your familar with that scene, great, if not then make sure to watch and read the whole intro.

So ok, here's the controls:

Pitch Up: Up Arrow Key
Pitch Down: Down Arrow Key
Turn Right: Right Arrow Key
Turn Left: Left Arrow Key

Slide Left(roll): 4 (on numpad)
Slide Right(roll): 6 (on numpad)
Slide Up: 8 (on numpad)
Slide Down: 2 (on numpad)

Forward/Accelerate: right altKey
Fire Lasers: right ctrlKey
Fire Photon Torpedos: Return Key (remember only two shots)

Toggel Autopilot: 'A' key
Toggel Free Camera Rotation: 'C' key
Toggel Message Panel: 'M' key
Change Ships: 'S' key (note: it auto changes if your ship dies)
Pause Game: 'P' key

Pitch Camera Up: 'I' key
Pitch Camera Down: 'K' key
Turn Camera Right: 'L' key
Turn Camera Left: 'J' key
Roll Camera Right: ']' key
Roll Camera Left: '[' key

Move Camera Up: 'Insert' key
Move Camera Down: 'Delete' key
Move Camera Right: 'Home' key
Move Camera Left: 'End' key
Move Camera Forward: 'Page Up' key
Move Camera Backward: 'Page Down' key

That should clear up most of the questions, you can adjust almost all settings while the game is paused, so feel free to experiment, fly down the trench, shoot anything that doesn't shoot the same color blasts as you, and if your a rebel Xwing and you get to a wall, there'll be a hole/darkspot on it, shoot it with photon torpedos (enter) key and you win! If your the TIE fighters you want to destroy all the rebel ships before they get to the exhaust port, do that and you win!

[edit] Screenshot:

So anyways, questions, comments, critizism appreciated.


*note - there isn't any sound, I didn't have time to add it it saddly.

*note II - zip file contains both an exe and all the code files + the dbpro file, so if you use any of em, or learn a lot and want to be nice, include me in the credits and tell me about your game, thanks.

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Posted: 14th Nov 2005 06:12
i realized afterwards that esc skips the text, it goes for way too long!!! also controsl are a bit iffy, and tie fights dont seem to want to die and teh message log window is way too big, other than that its fun

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Posted: 14th Nov 2005 15:10
Arrgg... Posting errors...

Sorry bout the controls being a little sensitive, sometimes its easier to just get behind and enemy fighter and just switch autopilot on, it does a fair job of targeting and shooting, (just hit the 'a' key) and you can hide the message window if you don't like it by hitting the 'm' key, anyways I thought I did a pretty good job for only having two weeks to do it with no media (yes, empty code file to this in two weeks...)


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Posted: 15th Nov 2005 00:41
yeah u did do a good job i was having fun still not much chop against the trench run levels on teh game cube

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Posted: 15th Nov 2005 02:33
Sorry... Why don't you have a go at recreating gamecube version in every detail in two weeks with no media?


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Bizar Guy
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Posted: 15th Nov 2005 02:48
Great game for no media (especially in two weeks!!!), but I'd love to play an updated version that worked a bit better (less controls, and better ones at that, and the auto pilot is too good, makes completing game too easy)

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Posted: 15th Nov 2005 20:35
Maybe, the controls arn't that complicated, it just depends on how much control over your ship you want, alt moves forward, control fires, arrowkeys turn, about thirteen keys are for adjusting the camera, xyz offset, xyz rotation, and a toggle key for free or constrained rotation, all that's left is the straifing keys, (4,6,8,2 on the numpad) and the autopilot toggle key and the message toggle key...

As for autopilot, the autopilot is just the computer AI, exactly what controls all the other ships, the only thing different is that the camera follows the players ship and not the others, nothin real special.

What exactly would you like different?

Difficulty selection (make trench longer, shorter, more oponents, less shots to kill your teams ships, more for the other team?)

Adjustable sensitivity for keys?

Mouse movement for player control?

Other ideas (While still keeping it medialess)?


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Posted: 16th Nov 2005 02:22
fun little game. I loved seeing all the lazers fly everywere, really made me feel like I was trying to be shot down (not just shooting for visual effects).
Few things you could change: smaller text grid, it was kind of distracting (although the chatter was a cool idea).
Crosshairs for where your going to shoot.

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Peter H
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Posted: 19th Nov 2005 02:07 Edited at: 7th Dec 2005 19:58

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Posted: 19th Nov 2005 04:46
What are you talkin about peter?? That was awesome.

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Bush Baby
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Posted: 19th Nov 2005 16:54
That's pretty cool!
It's awesome that you did everything with code - absolutely no media!
Pretty sweet dude!!
The only problem I had was remembering all the controls, other than that it was just like Rogue Leader 2!!

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Peter H
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Posted: 19th Nov 2005 16:59
Quote: "What are you talkin about peter?? That was awesome."

"flindiana" is at my house, and posted that with my acc

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Posted: 19th Nov 2005 23:13
Controls to remember!:

Arrowkeys turn
Alt goes forward
Control fires

(if your playing rebbels then hit the enter key to fire photon torpedos)

Simple enough?


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Posted: 7th Dec 2005 16:19
Hey what do ya know! Newsletter mention and everything... And a nice new screenshot on the first post


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Peter H
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Posted: 7th Dec 2005 19:58 Edited at: 7th Dec 2005 19:58
Quote: "Peter:
Controls to remember!:

lol, i told you, flindiana posted with my acc...

i haven't even tried the game... (goes back and gets rid of dumb post)

but it looks good

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Kangaroo2 BETA2
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Posted: 8th Dec 2005 01:33
Wow thats really kewl - fun to play - and for no media looks pretty good too! I like the way the other pilots speak to you - the gui for it is too big tho. Anyway - Good job!

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Posted: 8th Dec 2005 01:35
Yeah, I know, GUI to big, thus the mighty 'm' key makes it magicaly vanish!


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Kangaroo2 BETA2
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Posted: 8th Dec 2005 15:37
A full screen versions at a higher res would make the gui infinitely usable - I like it its a nice feature I like the source code too, very neat and readable

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Posted: 8th Dec 2005 16:49
It looks fun, but I tried to run it, pressed escape at the intro, and um.. my pc rebooted and I lost some settings so I'm a bit scared to try it again.

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Posted: 8th Dec 2005 20:31
U dont have courage to try it.

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Posted: 10th Dec 2005 00:16
No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try.

Darth Zatt
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2005 00:19
Amazing! I love it, except that the enemies are too hard to destroy. Besides that it's great.

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Posted: 1st Jan 2006 01:39
You know, I made a game exactly like that using DIV Games Studio 2 and a free 3D DLL from an awesome guy... too bad the site where I hosted it is down, I guess I'll find it in my backup CDs and recompile again, then host, and show, just for the hell of it XD. Yours look real good though, I'm gonna try to download it later

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