ok update.
ive added more enemys theres now 7types,
added a gui so you can see your lvl, hp/mp/xp bar
monsters can drop items money,gems(rarer)
and you can collect them in your inventory
game auto saves every 10seconds and will load any gamesaves on execution.
added avoidability stat, (set to 80 atm) so you can dodge 80% of the enemy attacks i will significantly reduce this for the propper release.
added new attacks and a powerup move.
added teleporters so you can move to different levels easily.
a/d = move left/right
w = go into teleporter(if standing inside)
space = jump
ctrl = double slash(0mp usage)
alt = fire attack+dash(20mp usage)
shift = flip attack(30mp usage)
e = charge attack(30mp usage)
r = forcefield powerup(50mp usage/adds 100def)
q = loot, coins/gems/crystals
i = inventory, displays items collected
esc = quit
i know the controls are annoying :p, but once ive added a customisable control system then we wont have these problems.
the collision is very basic right now, thus why the maps arent very elagant. if you goto the teleporter to your right it will load up a map with harder enemys left teleport is easier ones.
you can loot one drop per 500ms to stop the screen being flooded with notices saying you picked up xxxxx, if you provoke enemys such as the bats or the eagles then they will follow you upwards aswell(if there were higher platforms)
you still cant die yet, but its easier for testing purposes. and with some enemys when they dont move they will have scribbles over there sprites this was because i added the feature to have breathing anims just never got round to adding them apart from the bats and eagles cause they must flap all the time.
c&c welcome as allways...