use arrays.
An array is a bunch of data all stored under the same variable name and referenced my a number.
so the first thing we would need to do is this
dim xpos(100)
dim ypos(100)
What this does is it makes defines the variables xpos and ypos as arrays with 100 spaces to store data
so when you first put the sprites on the screen you would do this
for i = 1 to 100
xpos(i) = rnd(screen width())
ypos(i) = rnd(screen height())
sprite i, xpos(i), ypos(i), image number
next i
This will set the array values and position the sprites at those values. Then the values in the array can be called at any time and changed at any time by doing something like this
rem Print the data in xpos array space 10
text 0, 0, str$(xpos(10))
Now I have used a few commands that you probably haven't seen before. Here they are and the descriptions
Screen width() - returns the maximum x position in pixels of the screen
Screen height() - returns the maximum y position in pixels of the screen
str$(value) - Returns the string value of any not string value. This is used because the text commands only allows for output of strings so we have to convert the integer data in the array.