Quote: "If someone is using someone else media according to the artist license, that's fine. If someone wants something more or changed, even if it's the license, it's quite simple, pay for it.
Thank you for that. I don't see why all the artists are jumpy about this. i for one am VERY tired of seeing "Free models, come get them", but them having hidden fees. Thats called "lieing". As long as you havn't done it Keith, you shouldn't get upset. Actually, yes you should, you should get upset at all those that have. I am so tired of having to seek out all the little things people try to hide in their "free" models. If it's not free, don't call it such. THank you Keith for changing your models to "free-voked", it means you listening. But don't take it like we don't apreciate it. We really like it when people submit media, but we arn't going to bow down to them. If someone says their model is "free", but you have to give them credit, then I will point that out. But as you artist seem to be saying, I should be overly thankful, and say something as such, "'o great and wonderful artist, ye who have taken the time to even glance at us, blesses shall a'rise to thee, thank you for you wonderful "free" gifts, however, When scanning over the README file after I downloaded you gift from the heavens above, I noticed it said I need to put you in my credits, and I owe you $10, and even though your model is very lame, I will do your bidding, because... um... because, you know how to model 'o great one!"
What I'm trying to say with this VERY extreme example above^ (don't take offence, it was not directed at anyone), why do almost all the modelers here want us to bend our backs over for them with all their hiddne fees. If it's not free, just say so. Thats all I want. If you look on Turbo Squid, you find ALOT of "FREE" models, and AFTER downloading them you find a README, whenever I see those, I roll my eyes, about %85 of the time it says somthing like, "please don't use this for comercial game sunless you email me, and give me credit. If your project will be selling for a large some, then you must also pay me $50 for a one year license." What it really is, is "free with limits." Which as is really, "Free-voked".
I'm not trying to say that it isn't good to give credit. It is really good to give credit, and as I said above, I love to give credit. I just get annoyed by people that, in a way, trick us into putting them into their credits, and when we bring this up, we get blamed for being, "ungratefull and sellfish". Which is NOT what we try to come accross as. Yes, some people really ARE selfish and ungrateful, those people get REALLY annoying.
1) If you host a model, please, be honset on whether it's free, freevoked, or not free at all. Explain.
2) If someone fails to do rule number one, don't be ungratful, or selfish. Simply mention their error.
3) Modelers, don't get indignant over those who mention your error.
When FPSC gets good enough, lets make a Redwall game!