Quote: "but when u turn at a certain angle,it stops facing the same way as the player."
Lol. Then figure out what it's doing and change it!
I don't understand the mentality of new programmers who want to paste code straight into their programs without understanding what it does. I read that as you basically saying "if the code doesn't do EXACTLY what I want to do, I'm not using it."
However, like Antidote says, the angle value in the Set Camera To Follow command states the angle the camera faces while following the object.
Pressing F1 gives you:
SET CAMERA TO FOLLOW X, Y, Z, Angle, Distance, Height, Smooth, Collision
...where 'Angle' means the "the coordinate to track". Normally this is set to the same angle as the object being followed.
You can play with offsets of the object's current angle to see what happens. For example:
X=Object Angle X(1)
Y=Object Angle Y(1)
Z=Object Angle Z(1)
SET CAMERA TO FOLLOW X, Y, Z, WrapValue(Object Angle Y(1)+90), 100, 30, 0
...will follow object 1 at the side, at a distance of 100 units and 30 units higher than the object. -90 will place the camera at the other side and +180 will place the camera in front of the object, moving backwards.
If you have a play with the command - changing the values - it soon makes sense.