Rastaman, thanks for all your hard work.. it is much appreciated!
I have a question for you.. I'm not one to use the standard key mapping that is default in FPSpack 2.0 and many games such as using A,W,S,D for movement.. i was always used to using the directional buttons in any game i play. When i try to configure the keys to my liking using FPSPack 2.0 i get some undesriable effects. Such as when i press the right arrow key.. the character moves backwards and to the right as if i was holding down both the right arrow and down arrow button. Everything else works ok.. (except for the fact that i'm used to using the "numpad 0" for jumping, when configured the player jumps but also puts away his weapon due to the fact that the key was already mapped..
So what I'm aksing is there any diffrences with the key configuring setup in FPSPack 2.1? It's just hard for me to use the default setup due to the fact that I never played that way and it is like learning a new language
Once again.. thanks for all your hard work. FPSPack is truely a great addition for FPSC.