Yeah, I feel very comfortable with it... and sometimes I think the old-school-way, like: "never touch a running system" heh
Though, the new VS looks good so far, but I don't like the express version and its too bad they leave out the "UML"-chart/syncro/refactor stuff for more expensive versions.
(especially the visualization would be good for beginners and students, which are the "target" for the express versions as far as I know)
(Its like the 3d-artists, those who master their modeller don't need to get another, maybe more powerful one, but can create better result than an artists who hasn't mastered his tools.)
//Awards: Best DM at NeverwinterConventionIII (NWCon3)
//Sys: Pentium IV 3200E/Prescott;800Mhz FSB;HT;WinXPPro;ATIR9700PRO;1024MB RAM(2x512MB"DualChanneled"