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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / SAS Codename Alpha Bravo 2 Zero - BFV Mod - Goes Standalone!

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Posted: 30th Nov 2005 00:30
- We are a Indie games company, we do not pay at this time although recently we have had agreements with publishers to fund our MMORPG projects, if you want to check out our history please by all means go to -

The well known mod for BFV that released and had over 6,000 downloads on release night, and got gamers so in to its graphics from its experienced game developer team that gamers would jump at a chance to beta test. After a year of development and design documents SAS CAB2Z is back! Better than ever!

Want to join us?

Why? After a year developers have come and gone from SAS team, but now after playing with C++ we have decided to make life easier and go for FPS creators engine. Many Projects we have developed have been on our own game engines but now its time to chill out and settle down and not worry about to much coding/scripting work.

All our team is highly experienced game developers, most of them have come from game design backgrounds from modding or maybe moderators for online games.

Joining us has benefits on being invited to epos, including the all rounded E3 expo in USA which we have been going to 3 years now.

As we have explained to the BFV community a year ago, SAS Team will bring you the best authentic experience we have to offer. Over our research months we have aquired images you wouldn’t dream of thinking existed of the SAS (real life team), interviews with ex-sas men and also got interviews from recruits on SAS selection stages.

Quote: "PC Gamer April - SAS Team have given the BFV gamer community a jump start in life as the sas trooper will this get any more realistic?"

Quote: "Fileplanet - Time to put the swords and bows away and load up that Mp5 because SAS Team are back with a fantastic detail patch for version 0.1"

Quote: "Amped News - A mod with potential to go far, further than some commercial games we see today, good job guys"

Quote: " - Lock and Load soldier and get ready to experience life SAS style with this fantastic mod for bfv"

As we did a year ago you will see all theaters of war!
From midnight jungle air drops, to blistering desert patrols to the icey caps of Himalayas. You the gamer can take command using our special re designed Tact system (this isn’t built in FPS creator by us, its an external program made for the game) We want to redesign the whole experience gamers had a year ago and take it to the next level!

A whole new gaming experience of game play and level of detail and design is what we want to give you the gamer!

Some work on SAS CAB2Z Pre Alpha 0.1

Some shots from the BFV mod version

(Yes this is a picture of the actual SAS in the desert 2004)

We are also looking for new talent, over the years the team members have come and gone and only a few remain. We would like to ask for your help in:

Level Design
Animation Artist
Storyline writer
Concept Artist
Web Designer

If you you’d like to apply within the team for any of the positions above please email me at

or David Gray our human resources manager

(please state your applying for the SAS mod because we do have multiple projects in development)

Thank you for your time to read this

Solar System Studios

- Solar System Studios - Developing games since 2001
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Posted: 30th Nov 2005 01:56
What the heck? my boomstick!
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Posted: 30th Nov 2005 01:57
excuse me?

- Solar System Studios - Developing games since 2001
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Posted: 30th Nov 2005 02:21
ummm... this is an... fps creator forum?

Because no n00b is a good n00b.
Disturbing 13
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Posted: 30th Nov 2005 05:29
Did he not explain that theywere going to be useing FPSCreator, duh, read the post.
Quote: "After a year developers have come and gone from SAS team, but now after playing with C++ we have decided to make life easier and go for FPS creators engine. Many Projects we have developed have been on our own game engines but now its time to chill out and settle down and not worry about to much coding/scripting work.

Attitudes and Egos only destroy. Keep this forum friendly.
Cellbloc Studios
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Posted: 30th Nov 2005 05:52

Sorry, I'm not quite sure what to say.

If you need help, take a look at my profile. my boomstick!
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Posted: 30th Nov 2005 14:16
If you have experience with C++ and you have funds, why do you choose FPSC? With those two in hand (C++ and money) I can't really see why you would use FPSC engine.

You will have problems with framerates
You will have problems with polycounts
You will have problems with the number of players online

These three conflict directly with a MMORPG development, but there are more.

Not trying to take you guys down or anything really, I wish you good luck, but I can't see anything but headache if you join FPSC and a commercial MMORPG development.

I'm pretty sure I know everything. Doubts are something rare in me and I am never wrong, as this signature can prove.
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Posted: 30th Nov 2005 17:31
plus its a team request...and for some requests arent allowed on this forum.

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Posted: 30th Nov 2005 18:00 Edited at: 30th Nov 2005 18:09
nice battlefield vietnam mod no offense but this aint the place and team requests are banned

quick question if your doing theatres of war wouldent a large outdoor engine be more appropiate something like tge

instead of fpscreator that has real problems with large outdoor terrains?

as for mmorpg think you would have problems using fpsc

personally id suggest kaneva
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Posted: 30th Nov 2005 21:53
What a bunch of crap.

No offense to FPSCreator...but it a program to make low level games. Why would anyone/company go from having a grip on the core of 3d game development to using FPSC?


Is the Devil like one of the weird relatives that only gets invited to God's house on Christmas?
Harry Harrison
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Posted: 30th Nov 2005 23:47
Quote: "No offense to FPSCreator...but it a program to make low level games. Why would anyone/company go from having a grip on the core of 3d game development to using FPSC?"

My thoughts exactly.. seems like a huge step backward doesn't it?
Evil stick
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Posted: 1st Dec 2005 01:49
No, forward, Lee/CellBlok/Anyone just has to enhance the ENGINE.

Some thread revival/spam-Some bad grammar used, stupid questions or answers-No direct flaming
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Posted: 1st Dec 2005 01:58
Even so Evil stick, that's not enough. And still, the following question applies: if there's c++ knowledge and money, why FPSC? At the worst possible case, DBPro (which is the base of FPSC Engine) would be the tool of choice.

So, it's simply illogical.

And even if someone enhances the engine, how would the levels be designed for a MMORPG, if the editor stays untouched?

I'm pretty sure I know everything. Doubts are something rare in me and I am never wrong, as this signature can prove.
Cellbloc Studios
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Posted: 1st Dec 2005 05:21
Hence my first post:

Quote: "What the heck?" my boomstick!
Benjamin A
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2005 14:30 Edited at: 2nd Dec 2005 14:32
Quote: "We are a Indie games company, we do not pay at this time although recently we have had agreements with publishers to fund our MMORPG projects"

Having been in game development your statement suprises me a lot.... hardly any publisher will fund projects by indie games companies anymore, due to various reasons.

Quote: "We would like to ask for your help in:

Level Design
Animation Artist
Storyline writer
Concept Artist
Web Designer"

Is there anyone left in the comapnay at all? Since you've got the funding already, do mind paying me upfront when I do join?

Somehow your story seems to be very dodgy.... it just doesn't make sense at all.

Having funding, going from a specialy developed engine to fpsc, creating a mmorg with fpsc, having a company with no staff.... Somehow all of this sounds like one big fairytale

FPSC is way to cool, you can create even more then a fps with it!
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2005 15:05
All i can say is goto our forums

And then goto usergroups, then developers group, you will see over 20 developers whciha re currently on the two main projects, also if you want more proof back issue pc gamer in april 2005.

Quote: "Having funding, going from a specialy developed engine to fpsc, creating a mmorg with fpsc, having a company with no staff.... Somehow all of this sounds like one big fairytale "

Also this above? we said nothing about creating a mmorpg with fps engine? we said we have a mmorpg in development, althoguh its currently at the moment agaisnt NDA to say which engine were using all i say is look at "secret layer studios" and you can find clues there. Having a company with no staff? lol weve been runnign for four years we have over 30 people within our team included personal buisness advisor and customer service team.

Ever heard of Eidos? take a good look at some of there old blogs on there forums, also im going to scan in a letter they sent me on funding terms and a interview request to there offices.

Also 20th december there will be an offical announcement of the mmorpg engine and also plans for e3

thank you

- Solar System Studios - Developing games since 2001
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2005 15:07
also to add, we ask help in

Quote: "We would like to ask for your help in:

Level Design
Animation Artist
Storyline writer
Concept Artist
Web Designer"

becuase we have already had our game designers get the documents together, and our other developers are on the mmorpg project becuase it takes a big team to get a mmo running. SAS developer job openings are also posted on and also did have some of our commerical advertising content

- Solar System Studios - Developing games since 2001
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2005 02:21

Have you taken a look at my profile? Let me know what you need. my boomstick!
alex 1337
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2005 04:38
well i guess i could create a better website...
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Posted: 7th Feb 2006 11:58
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Posted: 7th Feb 2006 15:20
Hey! I've met you before!

If anyone is trying to help this game/mod, you might want to know that these guys tried to merge with my Battlefield 1942 mod a while back.

Right after they joined us, it was discovered that they actually hadn't made any of their models (the same models that they posted screenshots of on this page) and they actually stole them all from Counter-Strike addons. You can go to and find many of "their" models.

Who Dares Wins
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Posted: 8th Feb 2006 09:10
You made that lie to put me and my team out of buisness becuase our SAS mod was much better than yours, and you couldnt deal with it, so you started a lie about me, tin soldier and insaneov that we stoll weapon models when you can cleary see we made models for CS first of all. good luck with that attitude.

- Solar System Studios - Developing games since 2001
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Posted: 8th Feb 2006 18:00
Umm...your SAS mod had nothing but those stolen weapons models and you came to US asking about a merger. Why would we want to put you out of buisness?

Quote: "when you can cleary see we made models for CS first of all."

That's not the defense you gave last April. At that time you argued something about how you got permission and never provided proof of this.

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