Okay, I decided to ditch my complicated UI for a much simpler one. I now have sourceforge updated with the new build that also demonstrates a few functions I am putting in. Notice this is still EARLY in development to think about if it looks pretty, so please excuse any "non-pretty" stuff. I might post a screenshot here, even though it is already hosted on Sourceforge for all to see.
I have some bugs that maybe some of you guys could figure out for me though.
1.My toolbar buttons don't seem to want to be detected and my variable to measure if they have been pushed or not are allways 0.
if gtb1=1 then message "No code here yet."
if gtb2=1 then message "No code here yet.2"
if gtb3=1 then message "No code here yet.3"
2.Does anyone know about how to get your mouse to respond to the model it is directly over?(like in quickly model pro, you know, selecting it) I tried to figure it out, but I'm not sure how to go about it without things going haywire. ( I have my model being displayed through a camera viewpoint)
3. Is there an easy way to get 2D and 3D to easily exist or will I have to use my alternate plan(putting 2D on 3D planes.)?
4.How do you use the Treeview? I can't figure out what the image index they want is.
Thank you to all who help answer these questions!
EDIT:Maybe I will put a pic up...
1% done... [href]www.x-streamsystems.tk[/href]