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Program Announcements / My Games Collection

Lukas W
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Posted: 7th Dec 2005 09:34 Edited at: 7th Dec 2005 09:39

in case anyone is interested i have uploaded all my games (worth seeing and that i have still got a copy of) to my webpage.

the games are located at:

games in my collection:
Quote: "Thieves and Cops - 2002
a top down pacman-ish game. you are a thief and you have to collect all money bags. but beware of the cops.
Written in: Game Maker 4"

Quote: "Thieves and Cops 2 - 2002
Sequel to TaC. improved graphics and gameplay.
Written in: Game Maker 4"

Quote: "Luk_Ass: Ass kicking time - 2002
another Top Down game i made when i was bored.
you play as Luk_Ass and you mission is to kick some arse.
Written in: Game Maker 4"

Quote: "sKaTe! - 2003
a platform game i made when experimenting with gravity.
you play as a skateboarder and you skate and skate and skate.
Written in: Game Maker 4"

Quote: "Enric The Knight - 2003
my first game in DarkBASIC. a 3d adventure game.
you play as Enric your family was killed in a battleand you are alone.
your mission is to travel to the castle and kill the king.
Written in: DarkBASIC"

Quote: "Enric The Knight 2 - 2003
the sequel to EtK. was supposed to be a RPG but during the coding i managed to write some code that erased my hardisk where all my projects where. i didn't think about backups back then. that is why many of my projects are long lost.. ah well..
game never got finished, but i like to keep a memory of it. my dad tells me that is the most awesome game i've made due to the graphics.. maybe i will try to remake it when i get time.
Written in: DarkBASIC"

Quote: "Poo Fighters - 2003
a game i made to showcase to my family :S it has all members in my family (even voices) and also our old big white cat. its a fighting game.
Written in: DarkBASIC"

Quote: "Sheep Hunter - 2003
The Origin of Zombie hunter.
i made this because i experimented with particles.
mission is to fire rockets at sheep and they will explode. lot of blood
Written in: DarkBASIC"

Quote: "Zombie Hunter - 2003
after sheep hunter i wanted to make something cooler. so i wrote Zombie Hunter. use your four weapons to kill the zombies.
this is pretty much a test to see if i could make something cool. but it failed.
Written in: DarkBASIC"

Quote: "Driver - 2003
my first game with Gravity in DarkBASIC.
you just drive around on a big matrix. Basically you just drive around jumping around on the matrix. but dont fall into the water
Written in: DarkBASIC"

Quote: "Trashers - 2004
i rewrote the old fighting game and made some better models.
this game features cool AI and its quite fun. its also my first game using sprites. there are two characters in the game. i would like to rewrite this game someday when i get time.
Written in: DarkBASIC"

i also have my "best" games located here:

Quote: "Sheep Hunter 2 - 2003
rewrote the game engine for zombie hunter and i got this cool game.
much higher fps rate and much better graphics.
Written in: DarkBASIC"

Quote: "Zombie Hunter 2 - 2005
this is the game you probably allready have played from my games collection. i guess you can say its my most popular game.
it ended up at 6th place in the Shooter competition.
you play as a human and you must kill as many zombies as you can while you are still alive.
Written in: DarkBASIC"

Upcoming games:

Quote: "The Cowboy Game: the noobs revenge on the anjl
you play as me as i arrive in apollo with my flying pirate ship.
you meet hot chicks and cool cowboys. even a cyber punk pirate cowboy.
Written in: DarkBASIC Professional"

Quote: "Zombie Hunter Open Source DBPro Project
zombie hunter converted to DBpro. much better graphics, shader support, newton dynamics and more.
Written in: DarkBASIC Professional"

Give me some rewievs will ya? it would be nice to have some on my webpage

See ya.

Zombie Hunter DBPro Open Source Project:
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Posted: 7th Dec 2005 12:43
I want the second knight game. Shame it died.

You are not alone.
The Core
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Posted: 7th Dec 2005 15:18
the games look good congrats one problem i had with the first knight game the char wont move.

The Core
Kangaroo2 BETA2
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Posted: 7th Dec 2005 18:19
Wow thats a nice selection of games in a good varity of styles well done! Perhaps you'd get more of a response if you picked a single game for ppl to try & comment on? I don't have time to try them all! some of them look cool though - particularly intersted in the fighting games - not enough of them in dbp in my opinion

Lukas W
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Posted: 7th Dec 2005 18:36
thanks guys

Quote: "ne problem i had with the first knight game the char wont move."

hmm that is weird. very weird... Arrowkeys = move, Keypad = Fight (you need to find the sword first though)

Quote: "not enough of them in dbp in my opinion"

im sure you meant DB as dbc and dbpro together
all of my games are written in dbc. well not the one in 2002-early 2003 but you get my point.

hmm if i made a single post for each of my games i find that spamming but thats just me and i like to have stuff located in one place.

Zombie Hunter DBPro Open Source Project:
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Bush Baby
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Posted: 7th Dec 2005 19:24
Cool stuff.

|| Bush Babies are funny little hermits, disguised as rats. ||
Kangaroo2 BETA2
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Posted: 7th Dec 2005 19:25
of course, db + dbp

Yes, I didn't mean me 20 odd new threads Anyway as I said, good woirk

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Posted: 7th Dec 2005 21:33

I downloaded Sheep Hunter and killed 22 of 'em. .^^

16-colour PNGs pwn.
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Posted: 10th Dec 2005 12:54
the best thing about sheep hunter is the music, it starts on teh intro screen with the syndicate theme, then in game its lukas going crazy with midi guitars!! im sending it to teh ninjaqueen as we both have a thing going about sheep atm. lets see what she says.

Lukas W
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Posted: 10th Dec 2005 23:28
hahaha, go for it wiggett. you'll eventually win her heart. i believe you will. that other dude sound like some creepy flavour on tomato sause i had the other day.

Zombie Hunter DBPro Open Source Project:
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Posted: 11th Dec 2005 00:07
can i have a few pics of poo fighters

i like redwall, videogames, and...CHEESE!!
Lukas W
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Posted: 13th Dec 2005 13:31
i just noticed the .exe of poo fighters is corrupted. its the only .exe i have ill search my hardi sk for pictures

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Flindiana Jones
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Posted: 13th Dec 2005 17:14
Poo fighters worked for me...

Lukas W
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Posted: 13th Dec 2005 21:48
how odd.. what did you use to unpack it?

This is a map editor v3: progress 1% | working on gui
Flindiana Jones
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Posted: 18th Dec 2005 02:20
win rar.

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Posted: 18th Dec 2005 07:57
sheephunter is a blast..
it stays on my hard disk....

in the end
Lukas W
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Posted: 19th Dec 2005 09:11

The Cowboy Game progress 15% (friendly ai)
Doctor Evil
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Posted: 30th Dec 2005 09:04
Sheep... >click< BAAAAAAA!

sadistically fun.

I say exactly what's on my mind, like "Imagine your grandpa in a speedo" or "I eat Jell-O while waxing the table" and my personal favorite, "I drink bathtub water"

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