* Run FPSC,
* Click File > Build Game,
* Click the tab that says 'Level Settings',
* Where it says 'Global Script' and theres a text box linking where the file is, there should be a button at the right end of it that says 'Edit', click it, it should then come up with a box,
* Under 'General', click on Music, it then should be highlighted, next to it should be a text box linking where the file is, and then at the right end of it, there should be a button that says '...' click it, and then it should come up with a box,
* You can then upload your music to wherever located in your computer and should run and play successfully in game play
If you have any problems, please let me know
[i]" You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same "[i]