sync on
sync rate 100
hide mouse
load image "SeaWeed.bmp", backdrop
texture backdrop 0, backdrop
make terrain hmap,"Untitled.bmp"
position terrain hmap, 0, 0, 1025
`make health
`store object positions
x=camera position x(0)
y=camera position y(0)
z=camera position z(0)
make object sphere 1,50
color object 1, RGB(0,244,0)
`make 3 enemies
make object cube 3, 20
make object cube 4, 20
make object cube 5, 20
`make enemy position
make object sphere 6, 5
make object sphere 7, 5
make object sphere 8, 5
`enemy location & speed
position object 6, ene1,0, ene2
position object 7, ene2,0, ene3
position object 8, ene3,0, ene1
en1x=object position x(6)
en1z=object position z(6)
en2x=object position x(7)
en2z=object position z(7)
en3x=object position x(8)
en3z=object position z(8)
hide object 1
hide object 6
hide object 7
hide object 8
load image "grass.bmp",hmaptexture
texture terrain hmap,hmaptexture
x=camera position x(0)
y=camera position y(0)
z=camera position z(0)
point object 6,x,y,z
point object 7,x,y,z
point object 8,x,y,z
print "Frames Per Second: ", screen fps()
print "YOUR HEALTH IS: ", health
position object 1,x,y,z
move object 6, 1.2
move object 7, 0.7
move object 8, 1.5
turn object left 3, 10
turn object left 4, 10
turn object left 5, 10
position object 4, object position x(6), 0, object position z(6)
position object 5, object position x(7), 0, object position z(7)
position object 3, object position x(8), 0, object position z(8)
position object 1, camera position x(0), camera position y(0), camera position z(0)
control camera using arrowkeys 0,2,2
while mouseclick()=0
control camera using arrowkeys 0,1,1
cx#=camera position x(0)
cz#=camera position z(0)
if cx#<0.0 then cx#=0
if cx#>size# then cx#=size#
if cz#<0.0 then cz#=0
if cz#>size# then cz#=size#
position camera cx#,get terrain height(hmap,cx#,cz#)+5,cz#
delete terrain hmap
My code doesnt work. The error message says-The command is now obsolete at line ten. i have no idea what that's supposed to mean...
look, a signature!
made you look---------dancing penguins rule... you dont