Hey everyone! I'm putting together idea's. Basically in my head. Some on paper. I learn something new on the forums here almost everytime I look around. What I wanna do is get info from you all. Whether I have to do this myself, or whether we put a team together, don't matter to me. I have a question, if you don't mind answering them.
1) Does everyone learn better, watching it be done? Or by text? (I have a Sony video camera, that is never used. I'd like to do step by step video tutorials including audio)
I wanna cover things from scripting, models, importing, texturing. No I'm sure not the best at these things, but I CAN do them all, and will pass on what I have learned. If anyone can contribute to this, it would be appreciated also. All of this for free. The first video I have coming is "Making Your first Model Using MilkShape" This is the least expensive, and it get's the job done. (25$ US)
What I'm trying to do here is make things easier for the new guys coming in. I once was there, as we all were. I'm currently going to school for game design/Game art, at westwood college. Im also in the U.S Marines, so stay with me when thing's aren't released daily or weekly. The education I'm paying 70,000$ for, I'd like to offer you all for free. Nothing thrilled me more, then the emails I got telling me I have helped someone. Especially with the "Signs" tutorial from earlier.
These tutorials will cover begineer, and later we'll get into advanced. Such as adding animations/skeletons, using our own scripts, making certain switches do this or that. etc. I believe FPS Creator has some great potential not yet tapped into. Sure there may be bugs, how many bugs are in Windows 95-XP? Let me know what you all think. Lets not make this an argue thread, lets make it a information thread. Let me know what kind of tutorials you would like to see. How, and what way's would you learn better?
In closing I thank you for checking out this thread. Please give me some information on what you'd like to see. If your advanced, this may not be your spot. But If you'd like to contribute then thank you.
Semper Fidelis.
God Bless.