The Early Adopter version of the ColdSteel SDK has been released. Please have in mind that this version is still techniqually in beta state. Many features are not implemented yet (like detailed collision information, physics, audio, or networking), and it only contains the font, material, and particle editors (physics and scene editors will come soon). The software may contain bugs also.
A demo version of the SDK will be released in the next couple of days. If you are unsure of purchasing the engine, you should wait to try the demo before.
Current features:
- Windows 98/ME/2K/XP platforms.
- All functions documented.
- Supports packed media (to have all the files of your game inside a single compressed package).
- File system with support for reading data inside compressed packages.
- Integrated XML parser and writer.
- Fast collision detection and response.
- The engine comes as a dll, to integrate it with any application or programming language.*
- High performance rendering through DirectX9 and OpenGL**.
- Indoor and outdoor scene management.
- Octree rendering for mesh occlusion.
- Bone and vertex based character animation.
- LOD-based terrain rendering.
- Billboards.
- Light maps.
- Realtime volumetric shadows.
- Dynamic lights.
- Alpha-blending.
- Environment mapping.
- Bump & parallax mapping.
- Pixel and vertex shaders, up to version 3.0 (HLSL, GLSL, and ASM shaders are supported.)
- Particle effects.
- Custom bitmap fonts.
- Supports multiple model formats: md2, x, ms3d, my3d.
- Supports multiple texture formats: bmp, png, jpg, tga, pcx, psd.
- gile[s] exporter for the .my3d format.
- Material editor.
- Particle editor.
- Font editor.
* Comes with the needed files to use the engine with: Blitz3D, BlitzMax, BlitzPlus, C / C++, IBasic Professional, PlayBasic, PureBasic.
** OpenGL renderer is still considered beta.
ColdSteel SDK Early Adopter is available for purchase at the price of 39.95€.
If you want to purchase, go
Please visit the official forums at:
== Jedive ==
AthlonXP 1600+, 512MB, GeForce5200, WinXP/DX9, Ubuntu
iBook G4 1Ghz, 256MB, Radeon9200, Mac OS X Panther