OK, so some of you have heard about Weapon Creator. Anyway, for a loooonnnggg time iv'e been trying to figure out all of the properties in the ".fpe" "gunspec.txt" and "flakspec.txt" files. But, it is really hard, as i
still don't have FPSC
. So, heres what i'm going to do. For every person that can show what a property means or if it is even used(within some reasonable limits
.) gets their name put on a list. If they confirm
4 settings, then they get a free copy of Weapon Creator
. And, even if you don't know three, it would still be worth it to post
, because i'm sure if everyone compared notes, we would have figured out like 90% of the settings.
These settings have to be
Confirmed. By confirmed i mean two or more people have sucsesfully used it in game. This is because that most of the settings don't work exactly right.</edit>
means supposed to exist
represents a vote
two votes for
on a setting will take a setting from
to confirmed state.
represents a vote for "not used". 2 not used votes send it out of here
Ok, here are the settings:
scale = x : gun model scale
spawnmax = x : # of spawn times
spawndelay = x : delay in X between spawns
spawnqty = x : qty of weapons per spwan
smoke = x : smoke decal
dammage = x : dammage done by the gun
scorch type : bulet hole decal
reload quantity : number of bullets per clip
iterate : amount of clips in gun picked up
accuaracy : 0 to 100
confirmed settings:
1.)"zoommode= 0 or 1"
"zoommode=1" means your weapon has a scope and "zoommode=0" means no scope
2.)"muzzleflash=1 to 7"
"muzzleflash=2" sets the gun muzzle-flash to "gamecore muzzleflash flash2.dds"
this controlls the size of the muzzle flash.
I think it works in %. So, "muzzlesize=50" really means its 50% smaller.
more later,