about what each parameter should be, didnt made that yet
but here is some small examples:
btn = ErMsg("This is error prompt")
SimpleMsg "This is the simple message"
Simple Message With Positions on it
PosSimleMsg "This is Simple message with Positions!",0,0
Open File Box:
file$ = OpenFileBox("All Files! *.*|*.*","Select a file","")
if File$ <> "None" then SimpleMsg "No file has been selected." else SimpleMsg "You selected: "+file$
Save File Box:
file$ = SaveFileBox("All Files! *.*|*.*","Save the file","")
if File$ <> "None" then SimpleMsg "No file has been selected." else SimpleMsg "You selected: "+file$
Input Box:
Msg$ = InputBox("Title of Type something...","Please Type your name","Name here.","")
SimpleMsg "Your Name is: "+msg$
for a = 1 to 15
Btn = ModPrompt("Button Number: "+str$(a),a,5)
next a
for a = 1 to 5
Btn = ModPrompt("Icon Number: "+str$(a),1,a)
next a
and Forms:
Form1 = MakeWindow()
SetWinTitle Form1,"This is the title"
PosWin Form1,100,300
ScaleWin Form1,300,250
well thats all so far, ill add a buttons that will work on forms also soon
Just. ...Leave me alone =/