My code:
Rem Setup sync
Sync On
Sync Rate 30
Rem Make Cubes
load image "flag.bmp",20
make object box 20,50,0,50
position object 20,2000,0,1900
texture object 20,20
make object box 6,1500,100,100
position object 6,2400,0,2000
make object box 8,1500,100,100
position object 8,2400,0,500
color object 8,rgb(255,255,25)
load image "kt.jpg",12
make object box 7,100,100,1500
position object 7,3100,0,1200
color object 7,rgb (0,0,250)
make object box 16,100,100,1500
position object 16,1600,0,1200
color object 16,rgb (0,0,0)
Rem Make sphere
Make object sphere 10,50
position object 10,1900,0,1900
texture object 10,12
set object collision to spheres 10
Rem Main loop
backdrop on
color backdrop rgb (0,255,0)
Rem Store Object angle Y in aY#
aY# = Object angle Y(10)
Rem Control input for camera
If Upkey()=1 then Move object 10,10
If Leftkey()=1 then Yrotate object 10,Wrapvalue(aY#-5)
If Rightkey()=1 then Yrotate object 10,Wrapvalue(aY#+5)
If spacekey()=1 then position object 10,X#,100,Z#;a=1
if inkey$() = CHR$(49) then b=0
if inkey$() = CHR$(50) then b=1
if inkey$() = CHR$(51) then b=2
if inkey$() = CHR$(52) then b=3
if inkey$() = CHR$(53) then b=4
if inkey$() = CHR$(54) then b=5
If object collision (10,6) > 0 then position object 10,X#,0,Z#
If object collision (10,7) > 0 then position object 10,X#,0,Z#
If object collision (10,8) > 0 then position object 10,X#,0,Z#
If object collision (10,16) > 0 then position object 10,X#,0,Z#
If object collision (10,20) > 0 then goto finish
Rem get player object position and store in X# and Z#
X# = Object position x(10)
Z# = Object position z(10)
Rem get new camera position and store in cZ# and cX#
cZ# = Newzvalue(Z#,aY#-180,100)
cX# = Newxvalue(X#,aY#-180,100)
Rem position camera
if a=0 then Position Camera cX#,100,cZ#
if a=1 then position camera cX#,200,cZ#
if b=0 then position camera cX#,100,cZ#
if b=1 then position camera cX#,200,cZ#
if b=2 then position camera cX#,300,cZ#
if b=3 then position camera cX#,1,cZ#
if b=4 then position camera cX#,-100,cZ#
if b=5 then position camera cX#,10,cZ#
if b > 5 then b=0
Rem point the camera at the player object
Point camera X#,50,Z#
Rem Refresh Screen
backdrop off
ink rgb (0,0,0) , rgb (55,55,55)
box 100,100,200,200
set text opaque
Print "Well done"
if escapekey()=1 then exit
goto finish
How can i draw the text, it won't appear........
Thnaks for help!!!
I am a noob. HELP!!!