Bond, A question about when you import characters into FPSC.
Ok All of my animations look fine in 3dsMax. They export fine and what have you. When they get into fpsc there are vert's sticking in places they should'nt....wile the chars going though it's animations no less.
On the panda site it only briefly eludes to this problem and says:
Quote: "Exported model with skinning comes out spikey during animation:
Make sure that each vertex has a maximum of 4 bones assigned to it and the total summed weight is 1.0"
Well im not seeing that any vert is assigned to more then like 3 bones max( say in pelvis area ) and dont really know what they mean by making all sum up to 1.0. Ive tried setting each bones verts to 1.0....dividing the number of bones into 1 and placeing that value...and lastly dividing all verts into 1 and trying that. If you kinda know what I'm talking about here or have a solution it would be greatly appreciated.
Edit Notes: I'm using max 8 now and ive updated my panda exporter to the version specifically for max8. Or if you know a section on the Auto desk documentaion that deals with this ill look there if you know what file its in. I've searched the many files that come with 8 and cant find a section dealing with Weight propertis though I see it listed all over the place.....kinda frustrating.