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Program Announcements / Durado - a little game I made (swedish)

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Location: Göteborg, Sweden
Posted: 29th Dec 2005 23:21 Edited at: 29th Dec 2005 23:26
Well... This is in fact the second game I programmed in Dark Basic Classic, and I hope it's ok. The credits should go to me, my brother who composed the music, and a not so known friend of mine who did the sound effects.

I haven't tested it completely, so if you find any bugs, or anything else that needs improvements, it would be perfect if you told me, and I'll see what I can do about it - of course!
By the way! The language this is written in in-game is swedish, but it shouldn't be any problem since the buttonlayout are pretty basic and don't have to be explainen in depth. Just use the mouse in-game, and arrokeys and spacekey in the game menu.

You can dowload it from my own server, which is a bad one and can only handle 10 clients at the same time. I couldn't upload the .rar-file anyware due to it's size, which is 30 meg by some reason, so it had to be my own compaq thing. I apalogize for that.

Anyway! Hope you find your time downloading it. Enjoy!
Download link

"Even though I'm ugly, I'm extreamly sexy!"
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Posted: 30th Dec 2005 02:39 Edited at: 30th Dec 2005 02:47
It looks neat! The .bmp screenshot took a while to load though. You should use a jpg or png instead. Here is a png version of it:

click for larger image

It is too large to download now because I need to go to bed in a little bit. I will try it tomorrow.


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Posted: 30th Dec 2005 12:03

Looking forward to hear from you when and if you download today!
Thanks for the image too. I was going to use a .jpg-file, but since I only have paint, the quality would be so crappy that I used a .bmp instead.

"Even though I'm ugly, I'm extreamly sexy!"
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Posted: 30th Dec 2005 15:15 Edited at: 30th Dec 2005 16:11
Downloading now You can save them as .png s with paint...and tif s too. At least the version on Windows XP computers.

Edit: Grrrrrr....I can't download it. It keeps stopping after a while. Once it stopped at 94%

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Posted: 30th Dec 2005 16:28 Edited at: 30th Dec 2005 16:54
That's odd... Nawell... I'll upload it at rapidshare (why didn't I think of that before?). It'll be done in twenty minutes, I hope.

Here we are! A pice of Durado, uploaded on rapidshare. Hope it'll work.

"Even though I'm ugly, I'm extreamly sexy!"
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Posted: 30th Dec 2005 21:14
Häftigt spel, Stora tomtefar!
Det är bra att det är på svenska, lättare att fatta då.
Snygg grafik, bra musik och bra styrning, men det buggade ur när man förlorade, det gick inte att starta ett nytt spel.

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Posted: 30th Dec 2005 21:17
Wow! That's a really cool game! I just downloaded it. It is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can this be your 2nd game??? It's too cool!!!!!

Stora tomtefar
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Posted: 30th Dec 2005 21:37
Oh. That's a positive respons

Well, my dear ZZZ (jag tar det på engelska så att alla fattar), I didn't have any problem with starting a new game after loosing, so I can't do anything about it. However, I did found some other bugs which I soon shall fix.

I'm glad you liked it

"Even though I'm ugly, I'm extreamly sexy!"

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