I gave it a read and honestly, it's not my cup of tea. I'm not saying it's not good, what I am saying is that it requires much more than the actual SDK only. For instance, you depend on other libraries to use some types of graphics. DarkGame for instance, requires you to install DirectX SDK in Visual Studio and you are ready to go, supporting a load of functions.
Projects like this have my full respect, but they need too much blocks to build and far more expertise than the one I have at the moment. I want to have the power of C++ and DirectX without actually have to use DirectX functions directly, therefor a solution like DarkGame is faster to get running and offers the same results at a completely negletable price for the freeware edition which I can upgrade if I get to sell my games.
To get a compiler you will probably have to buy one. There are free C/C++ compilers out there, but I know none and am using Visual Studio.
You'll have a quick window popup after a couple of lines. Some models showing after a dozen lines. A (very) simple game logic in about two hundred lines (depending on the game of course) a something that starts to look like a simple game doubling that, according to what I'm doing right now. Good programmers will do it in less lines and better code than me. I suck!
I'm pretty sure I know everything. Doubts are something rare in me and I am never wrong, as this signature can prove.