I took a 512x512 brick wall texture, resized it to 2048x2048, then wrote the words RESOLUTION TEST in 14pt Ariel Narrow across a single (and now very fuzzy) brick.
I was curious to see if FPSC would actually recognise the 2048x2048 texture, and whether the in-game result would be a re-sampled blur. Check out the attached screenie to see the result.
At 2048x2048 the letters are 14 pixels high. Re-sampled using PSP7 to 512x512 they're approx 5 pixels high and illegible. If FPSC is resampling the texture internally, then it's doing a far better job of it than a dedicated art program, which seems unlikely.
My guess, FPSC can use any size of texture providing that it's dimensions are a power of 2. I suppose there must be some kind of performance penalty, but it doesn't seem to affect frame rate - I was getting 31 fps in editor test mode. Presumably large textures hit memory harder than they tax CPU performance. For the record, I have 1Gb of memory and a 128Mb graphic card.
- Graham
BTW, I haven't tried slapping a ridiculously large texture on a character yet - that probably
would clobber the frame rate
Ahem, yes I do know I called it FSPC in the thread title
Still, First Shooter Person Creator as a certain ring to it