Unbeleivable!!! It didn't post properly
Let's try again.
sync on : sync rate 40 : hide mouse
randomize timer() : autocam off
color backdrop rgb(0,0,64)
dim n(21) : dim c1(7) : dim c2(7) : dim c3(7)
set text font "ariel" : set text size 52 : set text to bold
` set textures
for num = 1 to 21
box 0,0,64,64,rgb(220,0,0),rgb(220,220,0),rgb(220,0,220),rgb(0,0,220)
box 4,4,60,60,rgb(190,0,0),rgb(190,190,0),rgb(190,0,190),rgb(0,0,190)
n$ = str$(num) : oy = text height(n$) / 2
ink 0,0
center text 31,32 - oy,n$ : center text 33,32 - oy,n$
center text 32,31 - oy,n$ : center text 32,33 - oy,n$
ink rgb(255,255,255),0 : center text 32,32 - oy,n$
if num = 6 or num = 9 then box 26,53,38,55
get image num,0,0,64,64,1
next num
` set objects
make object cube 1,9 : set object 1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1
for obj = 2 to 22 : clone object obj,1 : set object obj,1,0,1,1,1,0,1 : next obj
for obj = 1 to 19 step 3
z = obj * 4 + 20
position object obj,35,4.5,z
position object obj + 1,50,4.5,z
position object obj + 2,65,4.5,z
next obj
position object 22,50,45,-20
` set camera and lights
position camera 50,45,5 : point camera 50,0,50
set point light 0,50,45,5 : set ambient light 25
set text size 18
if stage <= 2
AnimateCubes(ang#) : ang# = wrapvalue(ang# + 1.0)
if stage = 0 then center text 320,12,"Think of a numbered cube and then tell me which column it is in."
if stage = 1 then center text 320,12,"OK which column is it in now?."
if stage = 2 then center text 320,12,"And finaly, where now?"
center text 320,28,"Press A, B or C"
center text 180,450,"A" : center text 320,450,"B" : center text 460,450,"C"
k$ = inkey$()
if (k$ = "a") or (k$ = "b") or (k$ = "c")
repeat : until scancode() = 0
if k$="a" then ReOrder(1)
if k$="b" then ReOrder(2)
if k$="c" then ReOrder(3)
stage = stage + 1
` display nubered cube user selected
texture object 22,n(11) : position object 22,50,45,-100
point camera 50,45,-15
position object 22,50,45,curvevalue(-15,object position z(22),30)
turn object left 22, 0.5 : roll object right 22, 0.66
center text 320,12,"This is the numbered cube you thought of!"
center text 320,28,"Press Return to try again or Escape to exit."
until returnkey()
point camera 50,0,50
stage = 0
` ------------------------------------------------------------------------
function SetNumbers()
` randomize textures on cubes
for i = 1 to 21 : n(i) = i : next i
for i = 1 to 1000
n1 = rnd(20)+1
repeat : n2 = rnd(20)+1 : until n1 <> n2
t = n(n1)
n(n1) = n(n2)
n(n2) = t
next i
for i = 1 to 21 : texture object i,n(i) : next i
function ReOrder(b)
` re-order textures on cubes depending on user selection
if b = 1 : a = 2 : c = 3 : endif
if b = 2 : a = 1 : c = 3 : endif
if b = 3 : a = 1 : c = 2 : endif
for i = 1 to 7
c1(i) = n(a) : c2(i) = n(b) : c3(i) = n(c)
inc a,3 : inc b,3 : inc c,3
next i
a = 1 : b = 8 : c = 15
for i = 1 to 7
n(a) = c1(i) : n(b) = c2(i) : n(c) = c3(i)
inc a,1 : inc b,1 : inc c,1
next i
for i = 1 to 21 : texture object i,n(i) : next i
function AnimateCubes(v#)
for obj = 1 to 19 step 3
oy# = 5.0 + sin(v#) * 3.0
for i = 0 to 2
ob = obj + i
position object ob,object position x(ob),oy#,object position z(ob)
next i
v# = wrapvalue(v# + 30.0)
next obj
Edit: Have made a slight adjustment to Clone Object on line 26, so it runs with Patch 4.
Programming anything is an art, and you can't rush art.
Unless your name is Bob Ross, then you can do it in thirty minutes.